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The Quad Health Security PartnershipAt the 2023 Quad Leaders’ Summit, Quad Leaders decided to evolve the Quad’s former Vaccine Partnership into a more comprehensive Health Security Partnership, tackling a range of health security priorities in a…
Intelligence, oversight, safeguards and the law
The terrorist attacks in the United States on 11 September 2001 marked the start of a decade of legislation creating new terrorism offences and conferring new powers – particularly…
An ongoing, national priorityOn 28 April 2024, the Prime Minister declared that Australia faced a ‘national crisis’ of violence against women, with one woman being killed every four days.8 On 1 May 2024, National Cabinet met to discuss this national…
The Review examined the community of six government agencies whose primary mission is to provide the government with intelligence. In this Chapter we provide a brief introduction to each agency.
Australian Secret …
From 27 to 29 August, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese attended the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Leaders’ Meeting in Tonga. He was joined by Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Pat Conroy.Australia is a proud…
Publication abstract
The 2011 report of the Independent Review of the Intelligence Community (the Review) was the first comprehensive review of the Australian intelligence community since the 2004 inquiry…
This 2011 Independent Review of the Australian Intelligence Community was announced in the following media release issued by the Prime Minister on 23 December 2010:
Prime Minister Julia Gillard today announced arrangements for…
The Independent Review of the Intelligence Community (IRIC) in 2011 will review the Australian Intelligence Community (AIC) in accordance with a recommendation of the Inquiry into Australian…
Organisations and people interviewed by the review
Australian Government
The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Hon Stephen Smith MP, Minister…
Except for costs relating to VIP flights or security, costs incurred by the Department relating to: Papua New Guinea, Argentina, Iraq, Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, United Kingdom, Singapore, Japan,…
The Reviewers express their appreciation to:
The intelligence agencies and their officers for their complete and courteous cooperation throughout this Review
The people and organisations who provided submissions or…
The Women and Women’s Safety Ministerial Council (Council) was convened virtually today, attended by:Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher (Commonwealth)The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP (Commonwealth)The Hon Justine Elliot MP (Commonwealth)Ms Yvette Berry MLA (…
‘Intelligence’ conjures up many images. We set out in this Chapter what we mean by intelligence to help explain the approach and scope of the Review.
Government has come to expect much of intelligence…
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.Strategic OutlookThe Board discussed government priorities, emerging risks and strategic issues.The Board received an update on…
The structure of the Australian intelligence community
The organisational structure of the Australian Intelligence Community has been based upon two principles designed to ensure its integrity, objectivity and…
In accordance with its broad Terms of Reference, the Review
Looked back to assess the intelligence agencies’ performance as they have grown rapidly to meet the expanding security challenges of the 9/11 decade
Looked forward…
Reasonable expectations of intelligence
What can the government reasonably expect the Australian Intelligence Community will be able to tell it?
This question comes into sharp focus when events come as a…
Current Long-term Insights BriefingWe are currently exploring the future of government service delivery beyond the current cycles of reform.We are working with the community, industry, academia and the APS.We want to better understand:the vision…
Guiding recommendation: Ensure pandemic support measures include all residents, regardless of visa status, prioritise cohorts at greater risk, and include them in the design and delivery of targeted supports.The COVID‑19 pandemic…
IntroductionThank you, Professor Medcalf for your invitation and for the close association between yourself, the College and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.Let me acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of these…
The inquiry commissioned ORIMA PTY LTD to undertake qualitative focus group research with 11 priority cohorts including people with disability, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander…
This report, on How artificial intelligence might affect the trustworthiness of public service delivery, is the first in an enduring series of public service-led Long-term Insights Briefings.The Long-term Insights Briefings are a…
Artificial intelligenceArtificial intelligence is rapidly evolvingTechnological innovations have driven world GDP growth over the past millennium, and with each wave of technological advancement, the way humans live…
Date: Monday 13 May 2024Host: Professor Catherine Bennett, Panel Member, Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response InquiryParticipants: The roundtable brought together health…
The King’s Royal title in Australia is King Charles the Third, by the Grace of God King of Australia and his other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth.One Australian prime minister has served during The King’s reign: the 31st …
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