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Strengthen knowledge sharing and accountabilityThe Review recognises that prevention through systems, industries and other mechanisms also requires a consideration of wider structural levers, such as those established to provide…
Changing behaviours and attitudes leading to gender-based violenceIn addition to addressing discriminatory stereotypes, the Government adopted measures to change behaviours and attitudes leading to high rates of GBV in Australia.The Government…
States and territories administer their own criminal justice systems, correctional and prison services. Detail can be provided as part of the State Party Dialogue.Holistic early intervention, design prevention and diversion strategiesThe Government…
Australian Law Reform Commission 1986 recommendations - Indigenous customary lawsIn 1992, the High Court of Australia handed down its decision in Mabo v Queensland (No 2) [1992] HCA 23; (1992) 175 CLR 1 (3 June 1992…
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.Strategic OutlookThe Board discussed government priorities, emerging risks and strategic issues.The Board received an update on…
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.Closing the GapThe Board held a strategic discussion with Ms Catherine Liddle, acting convenor of the Coalition of …
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.Procurement capability uplift across the APSMs Jenny Wilkinson PSM, Secretary of the Department of Finance provided an update on…
Organisations and people interviewed by the review
Australian Government
The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Secretaries Board met at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.APS ReformThe Board agreed an approach to engage APS staff in developing an APS Purpose Statement (Recommendation 6 of the Thodey …
On 23 August 2024, the Australian Government received the final report from the expert panel appointed to undertake a rapid review of evidence-based approaches to prevent gender-based violence. The report provides specific and…
The care and support economy includes aged care, disability support, Veterans' care and early childhood education and care.It is part of the health care and social assistance industry, which accounts for 15% of Australia's workforce and…
The National Women's Health Strategy outlines a national approach to improving health outcomes for all women and girls. The Strategy identifies 5 priority areas: maternal, sexual and reproductive health; healthy ageing; chronic conditions and…
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters. Strategic OutlookThe Board discussed government priorities, emerging risks and strategic issues.The Board received an update…
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.Strategic OutlookThe Board discussed government priorities, emerging risks and strategic issues.The Board received an update on…
An ongoing, national priorityOn 28 April 2024, the Prime Minister declared that Australia faced a ‘national crisis’ of violence against women, with one woman being killed every four days.8 On 1 May 2024, National Cabinet met to discuss this national…
Addressing gender segregated industries and occupationsAustralia's labour market is segregated by industry and occupation. Working for Women outlines Australia's vision to achieve less gender-segregated industries and occupations, improve gender…
Department of Social Services (DSS) National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, DSS, Australian Government, 2022; Department of Social Services (DSS) National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022…
Given its rapid nature, the Review could not draw conclusions across every area of policy or service delivery. While it was charged with identifying prevention opportunities across the full spectrum of Australia’s DFSV response, the…
The following principles underpin each recommendation and should be at the forefront in their implementation. In our efforts to prevent domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV), Australia must:Explicitly prioritise the…
The Australian Government released its response to the report of the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme.The Australian Government has carefully considered the Royal Commission…
Today, the Australian Government released its response to the report of the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme.The Australian Government has carefully considered the Royal Commission…
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and discussed the following matters.Closing the Gap - Productivity Commission 3-Yearly Review Draft ReportThe Board discussed the…
Denial of education on the basis of motherhoodAmong states and territories, there are no grounds for suspension and expulsion on the basis of motherhood. States and territories have policies and programs to support students who are pregnant or…
Board achievementsA collegiate and collaborative BoardThe general view expressed in interviews was that the Board works well, is collegiate and collaborative, able to have honest discussions and sets a good tone across the APS.It has benefited from…
The Women and Women’s Safety Ministerial Council (Council) was convened in Canberra and virtually today, attended by:Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher (Commonwealth)The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP (Commonwealth)The Hon Justine Elliot MP (Commonwealth)Ms…
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