Budget outcomes and program structure

In achieving PM&C’s purposes for 2018–19, we worked to deliver against the key priorities outlined in the Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) and Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements. Our Corporate Plan 2018–2022 articulated how these key priorities would be achieved and how achievement and success would be measured. Table 1.1 below shows the links between our purposes, outcomes and program framework.

Table 1.1: Corporate Plan 2018–2022 strategic priorities mapped to 2018–19 Portfolio Budget Statements objectives

Purpose 1

Supporting the Prime Minister as the head of the Australian Government, the Cabinet and portfolio ministers

Outcome 1

Provide high-quality policy advice and support to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, portfolio ministers and assistant ministers, including through the coordination of government activities, policy development and program delivery.

Program 1.1

Prime Minister and Cabinet

Purpose 2

Providing advice on major domestic policy, national security and international matters

Purpose 3

Improving the lives of Indigenous Australians

Outcome 2

Improve results for Indigenous Australians, including in relation to school attendance, employment and community safety, through delivering services and programmes, and through measures that recognise the special place that Indigenous people hold in this nation.

Program 2.1

Indigenous Advancement— Jobs, Land and Economy

Program 2.2

Indigenous Advancement— Children and Schooling

Program 2.3

Indigenous Advancement— Safety and Wellbeing

Program 2.4

Indigenous Advancement— Culture and Capability

Program 2.5

Indigenous Advancement— Remote Australia Strategies

Program 2.6

Indigenous Advancement— Evaluation and Research

Program 2.7

Program Support