Our structure

PM&C operates in four main groups:

  • Domestic Policy Group
  • National Security and International Policy Group
  • Governance Group
  • Chief Operating Officer Group.

Domestic Policy Group

The Domestic Policy Group advises the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and Portfolio Ministers on jobs and economic growth, the Budget, industry, infrastructure, agriculture, innovation, health, education, social services, the environment, population and migration, and multiculturalism. The group coordinates whole-of-government regulatory reform, provides behavioural insights advice and project assistance and supports the G20 Sherpa, Mr Simon Duggan, in developing and prosecuting Australia’s contributions to the G20.

The group develops and coordinates whole-of-government public data policy, national policies and strategies to enhance the safety of children and digital technology policy. It also supports government priorities for gender equality and the empowerment of women. It provided advice and support for the Budget process and National Cabinet meetings. The group coordinated the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) arrangements.

National Security and International Policy Group

The National Security and International Policy Group provides advice on Australia’s foreign policy and national security interests. Its work covers the Prime Minister’s engagement with foreign leaders and multilateral forums; Defence strategic policy, capability and operations; critical technologies and infrastructure; countering foreign interference; cybersecurity; National Intelligence Community policy; counter-terrorism; law enforcement; border security; and crisis management, including disaster preparedness and response. The National Security and International Policy Group provided a heightened level of support to the Government in 2019–20 due to the bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Governance Group

The Governance Group provides advice on legal policy, parliamentary and government matters, and honours, symbols and territories policy. It also provides support services to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, Cabinet committees, PM&C’s Portfolio Ministers and the Governor-General. The group delivers PM&C’s enabling and support functions and oversees the implementation and ongoing delivery of Government programs, policies and initiatives.

Chief Operating Officer Group

With effect from 2 June 2020, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) group delivers the Department’s internal corporate and enabling services provided through the Corporate Division and the Ministerial Support Division, with the COO reporting directly to the Secretary.

National Bushfire Recovery Agency

On 6 January 2020, the Prime Minister announced the creation of the National Bushfire Recovery Agency, which leads and coordinates national recovery efforts in areas affected by the 2019–2020 bushfires.

The agency provides advice to Government on the administration of the National Bushfire Recovery Fund and works with state, territory and local governments, non-government stakeholders and communities to ensure that bushfire-affected communities have ready access to meaningful recovery support. It is also responsible for developing a long-term plan for the recovery, rebuilding and resilience of bushfire-affected communities.

National COVID-19 Coordination Commission

On 25 March 2020, the Prime Minister established the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission (NCCC) to assist in minimising the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and bring a business perspective to the longer term economic recovery.

As the pandemic and the Government's response to it evolved, NCCC members drew on their business networks and experience in giving practical and strategic advice to Government. In the initial stages of the crisis, it focused on assisting in the resolution of immediate issues, such as shortages in personal protective equipment and unblocking supply chains. It then worked with industry and businesses to develop COVIDSafe plans so they could reopen safely as restrictions were lifted, with the virus still in the background. Once it finished this task, the NCCC transitioned to longer term economic recovery issues, playing a strategic advisory role to Government.

The NCCC is led by Mr Neville Power and supported by the Deputy Chair, Mr David Thodey AO, and a board of commissioners. On its establishment, the commissioners were Mr Greg Combet AM, Ms Jane Halton AO PSM FAICD FIPPA, Mr Paul Little AO, and Ms Catherine Tanna. Each of the commissioners led the development of strategies and engagement within a specific stream or sector relevant to their expertise, across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. The commissioners were joined on the NCCC executive board by the PM&C Secretary, Mr Philip Gaetjens, and the Secretary of the Department of Home Affairs, Mr Mike Pezzullo AO.