Summary of results by purpose

Results by purpose

The purposes outlined in the PM&C Corporate Plan 2019–2023 are:

  • Purpose 1—Creating economic growth and jobs
  • Purpose 2—Delivering for regional Australia and the environment
  • Purpose 3—Supporting individuals, families and communities to thrive
  • Purpose 4—Upholding national security and strategic interests
  • Purpose 5—Governing well

Summary of results tables

The following tables list PM&C’s result for each performance measure within the Corporate Plan, grouped by purpose.

Table 2.1 Summary of PM&C's results against the performance criteria for the 2019-20 reporting period.

Creating economic growth and jobs

No Key activity Measure Results Link

Work to apply economic frameworks to complex policy problems so sustainable policy solutions are developed for the Government, to identify options to enhance the productivity of domestic businesses and to foster internationally competitive industries.

The Prime Minister, the Cabinet, responsible ministers and agencies receive high-quality and coordinated advice to inform policy development and support the implementation of the Government’s key priorities and activities.


Results: Key Activity 1.1

Lead the Digital Technologies Taskforce to coordinate and drive the Government’s policies on digital technologies.

The Prime Minister, the Cabinet, responsible ministers and agencies receive high-quality and coordinated advice to inform policy development and support the implementation of the Government’s key priorities and activities.

On track

Results: Key Activity 1.2

Work with other Commonwealth agencies to provide holistic and timely advice on the Government’s $100 billion, 10-year infrastructure pipeline, including the delivery of priority projects such as the Western Sydney Airport, Inland Rail and Snowy Hydro 2.0.

The Prime Minister, the Cabinet, responsible ministers and agencies receive high-quality and coordinated advice to inform policy development and support the implementation of the Government’s key priorities and activities.


Results: Key Activity 1.3

Support the Prime Minister, responsible ministers and agencies to deliver the National Vision for Vocational Education and Training.

The Prime Minister, the Cabinet, responsible ministers and agencies receive high-quality and coordinated advice to inform policy development and support the implementation of the Government’s key priorities and activities.


Results: Key Activity 1.4

Support the Government in the implementation of its refreshed deregulation agenda, including through co-leading, with Treasury, the Deregulation Taskforce.

The Prime Minister, the Cabinet, responsible ministers and agencies receive high-quality and coordinated advice to inform policy development and support the implementation of the Government’s key priorities and activities.


Results: Key Activity 1.5

Support the Government to implement its priorities in industrial relations, tax, transfers and superannuation policy, including through the Retirement Income Review.

The Prime Minister, the Cabinet, responsible ministers and agencies receive high-quality and coordinated advice to inform policy development and support the implementation of the Government’s key priorities and activities.


Results: Key Activity 1.6

Work with central agencies to support the Prime Minister in the Budget process, including whole-of-government advice on new policy proposals considered by the Expenditure Review Committee.

Support the Expenditure Review Committee in decision making and assist the Government to deliver on its fiscal strategy.


Results: Key Activity 1.7

Support the Prime Minister in achieving the Government’s strategic priorities in areas that require Commonwealth–State cooperation.

Assist COAG to deliver on its priorities by ensuring good governance of the COAG system.


Results: Key Activity 1.8

Support the Prime Minister to represent Australia in the G20 and other international forums to drive international cooperation and advance Australia’s national interests.

Support the Government to develop and prosecute its trade, foreign investment, and G20 objectives.


Results: Key Activity 1.9

Work as early as possible with agencies to identify policy problems and articulate the costs and benefits of all options where there may be major impacts on businesses or citizens.

Ensure Government decisions are fully informed of the direct impacts of major policy proposals using evidence and the input of affected stakeholders.

Target 1: Partially achieved

Results: Key Activity 1.10

Target 2: Achieved

Delivering for regional Australia and the environment


Key activity





Through our role co-leading the National Waste and Recycling Taskforce, work to give effect to the COAG commitment to establish a timetable to ban the export of waste plastic, paper, glass and tyres, while building Australia’s capacity to generate high-value recycled commodities and associated demand.

PM&C provides advice and practical recommendations to assist the Prime Minister in building consensus through COAG to implement, monitor and enforce an export ban on waste plastic, glass and tyres.


Results: Key Activity 2.1


Continue to support Commonwealth agencies to deliver the Government’s water infrastructure priorities, which aim to provide regional communities, farmers and industries with more secure, reliable and cost-effective water supplies.

The Prime Minister, the Cabinet, responsible ministers and agencies receive coordinated advice to inform policy development and support the implementation of the Government’s key priorities and activities.


Results: Key Activity 2.2


Collaborate with Commonwealth agencies and state and territory governments to refresh the Northern Australia strategy.

The Prime Minister, the Cabinet, responsible ministers and agencies receive coordinated advice to inform policy development and support the implementation of the Government’s key priorities and activities.


Results: Key Activity 2.3


Support Commonwealth agencies (including NQLIRA) to deliver on the Government’s plan and the Prime Minister’s priority to support farmers and regional communities to respond to the drought now, and strengthen Australia’s preparedness and resilience for future droughts.

PM&C supports NQLIRA and delivers regular updates to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet on the drought response and implementation of reforms that support preparedness and resilience.


Results: Key Activity 2.4


Support the National Soils Advocate in his efforts to progress the national objective to protect, restore and maintain the health of the Australian agricultural landscape and to guarantee a food secure nation and sustainable farming communities.

PM&C, in collaboration with Commonwealth agencies, delivers policy advice and support to progress the National Soils Advocate’s Terms of Reference.


Results: Key Activity 2.5

Supporting individuals, families and communities to thrive

No. Key activity Measure Result Link


Provide high-quality and timely advice to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and portfolio ministers on social policy and intergovernmental matters to inform the Government’s priorities and policy development and approval. Areas of focus include:

The Prime Minister, the Cabinet, responsible ministers and agencies receive high-quality and timely advice to inform:


Results: Key Activity 3.1

Reducing the rate of suicide towards zero and improve the mental health and wellbeing of all Australians by supporting the work of the National Suicide Prevention Adviser and the Government’s response to the Productivity Commission inquiry into mental health.

The work of the National Suicide Prevention Adviser and the Government’s response to the Productivity Commission inquiry into mental health.


Results: Key Activity 3.1

Supporting the Prime Minister to achieve the Government’s goal of increasing the number of NDIS participants to 500,000 by 2024.

An increase to the number of NDIS participants.


Results: Key Activity 3.1

Working with partners and policy leads across Government to manage the Disability and Aged Care Royal Commissions.

Management of the Disability and Aged Care Royal Commissions.


Results: Key Activity 3.1

In conjunction with the Health portfolio, providing Australians with continued and expanded access to affordable medicines through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

Consideration of access to affordable medicines through the PBS.


Results: Key Activity 3.1

Supporting the Prime Minister in his capacity as Chair of the former Council of Australian Governments and new National Cabinet on the delivery of a new 2020–2025 National Health Reform Agreement which ensures continuity of hospital funding, improves access to services and patient outcomes and reduces avoidable hospitalisations.

Delivery of a new 2020–2025 National Health Reform Agreement.


Results: Key Activity 3.1

Working with the Department of Education to ensure that the National Policy Initiatives under the National School Reform Agreement are implemented and achieve improvements in school education outcomes.

Implementation of the National Policy Initiatives under the National School Reform Agreement.

On track

Results: Key Activity 3.1

Working with the Attorney-General’s Department to reform the federal judicial architecture.

Effective reform of the federal judicial architecture.


Results: Key Activity 3.1


Support the Attorney-General in introducing legislative protection for the freedom of religious belief.

The Prime Minister and Attorney-General receive high-quality and timely advice and support on appropriate measures to support the freedom of religious belief in Australian law.

Partially achieved

Results: Key Activity 3.2


Ensure Australia’s honours system appropriately recognises worthy Australians.

The Prime Minister receives comprehensive and timely advice on the administration of Australia’s honours system, with a focus on:

  • the implementation of new awards proposed by the Prime Minister
  • ensuring the integrity of the system through appropriate review of awards.


Results: Key Activity 3.3


Continue to work with Commonwealth agencies to improve online safety, including tackling bullying and preventing the use of the internet for terrorist purposes, and supporting the dedicated taskforce.

The Prime Minister, the Cabinet, responsible ministers and agencies receive coordinated advice to inform development of policies to keep Australians safe online, including preventing terrorism and extreme violent content on the internet.


Results: Key Activity 3.4


Support the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the Minister for Women to deliver key priorities for gender equality, including women’s safety, economic security and leadership.

The Office for Women contributes to the delivery of the Government’s key priorities for gender equality including:


Results: Key Activity 3.5


Implementing the Fourth Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010–2022.


Results: Key Activity 3.5


Implementing the first Women’s Economic Security Statement (WESS) and progressing development of the second WESS.

On track

Results: Key Activity 3.5


Participating in international fora, including the UN Commission on the Status of Women.


Results: Key Activity 3.5


Supporting increased women in leadership positions, including gender diversity on Australian Government boards.


Results: Key Activity 3.5


Support the Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister and Cabinet to deliver a National Strategy to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse, with a particular focus on awareness raising, education and reducing stigma for victims and survivors.

The National Strategy to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse is delivered within agreed timeframes to the satisfaction of the Prime Minister and the Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and key stakeholders.

On track

Results: Key Activity 3.6


Support the Social Impact Investing (SII) Expert Panel to deliver an interim and final report to Government on the Commonwealth’s role in the Social Impact Investing market.

Ministers and Social Impact Investing (SII) Expert Panel are satisfied with the quality of the interim and final reports.
SII Expert Panel is satisfied with the quality of support provided by the PM&C team.

The SII Taskforce consults widely in the lead up to the delivery of the interim and final report.

SII Interim and final reports are delivered by agreed deadlines and supported by best-available evidence.

On track

Results: Key Activity 3.7


Support NIAA in developing policies and programs that will improve the wellbeing and welfare of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and responsible ministers and agencies receive high-quality and timely advice to inform the consideration and progression of the Government’s agenda for Indigenous Australians.

PM&C leverages the position of the NIAA within the portfolio to improve policy outcomes by ensuring other policy areas consider Indigenous perspectives and enables the Agency to have visibility and input into these policy spaces.


Results: Key Activity 3.8

Upholding national security and strategic interests

No. Key activity Measure Result Link


Support the Prime Minister’s engagement with foreign counterparts and business leaders to strengthen and diversify Australia’s partnerships internationally, especially in the Indo-Pacific, contributing to a more successful and prosperous Australia.

PM&C supports and strengthens the Prime Minister’s international agenda by providing high-quality and timely briefing for the Prime Minister’s engagements.

Implementation by the APS of commitments made by the Prime Minister to foreign leaders.


Results: Key Activity 4.1


Provide comprehensive, influential and timely advice and coordination on national security, with an emphasis on:

  • counter-terrorism and crisis management
  • border security, law enforcement, cyber security and counter foreign interference initiatives
  • defence operations and capability, including on the national naval shipbuilding enterprise
  • foreign policy.

Decisions in relation to national security matters are made and implemented on the basis of consideration of Australia’s national interests and the full range of equities, including social, economic and security interests, and implemented in a timely way.

Whole-of-government response during times of crisis is coordinated seamlessly.


Results: Key Activity 4.2


Provide comprehensive, influential and timely advice and coordination on Defence Capability, operations and strategic policy, including the establishment of a sovereign and sustainable Australian defence industrial base.

PM&C supports the delivery of the $200 billion 2016 Defence White Paper Investment Program, including the $90 billion National Shipbuilding Enterprise.


Results: Key Activity 4.3


Support the Prime Minister as Chair of National Security Committee (NSC) to secure decisions and drive implementation.

A focused NSC agenda, with clear decision making and management processes and effective implementation of decisions.


Results: Key Activity 4.4

Governing well

No. Key activity Measure Result Link


Ensure a strategic focus to the Government’s legislative program.

The whole-of-government legislation program is delivered in accordance with the Government’s strategic priorities.


Results: Key Activity 5.1


Enhance and modernise Cabinet processes through delivery of the CabNet+ project.

The new CabNet+ system supports ministers and departments to operate more efficiently and effectively.


Results: Key Activity 5.2


Provide expert advice to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, portfolio ministers, PM&C and other APS agencies on governance matters relating to the operation of the executive branch of Government.

High-quality expert advice is provided to the Prime Minister on governance matters.


Results: Key Activity 5.3


Provide clear and actionable advice on whole-of-government legal risk.

Significant legal matters and associated risks are identified and coordinated with the Attorney-General’s Department.

The Prime Minister and his Office have timely and comprehensive visibility of whole-of-government legal risks as they emerge.


Results: Key Activity 5.4


Increase awareness of Australia’s honours system.

Public awareness of honours system is increased through social and traditional media campaigns, focusing on those segments of society which are underrepresented in awards.


Results: Key Activity 5.5


Ensure the Department has a high-performance culture underpinned by a strengths-based approach to performance.

PM&C staff provide high-quality outcomes and support.

Performance is assessed on delivery of outcomes along with PM&C specific capabilities and behaviours.

Partially achieved

Results: Key Activity 5.6


Advance Australia’s interests through effective and well-executed programs for the Prime Minister’s overseas engagements and for incoming visits by Heads of State and Government.

PM&C coordinates and delivers high-quality operational support for the Prime Minister’s official overseas engagements and for Guests of Government.


Results: Key Activity 5.7


Use technology and automation to streamline Ministerial support services.

Timely registration of ministerial correspondence.


Results: Key Activity 5.8

Provision of timely high-quality speechwriting.


Results: Key Activity 5.8

Provision of timely high-quality meeting support.


Results: Key Activity 5.8


Provide leadership to the APS on designing, delivering and scaling policies and services using innovative and rigorous tools including data, digitisation and behavioural insights.

PM&C enables whole-of-government collaboration to facilitate good policy development and better service delivery, including by using integrated data through the Data Integration Partnership for Australia (DIPA).


Results: Key Activity 5.9

Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government (BETA) continues to contribute to the delivery of the Government’s key priorities through the application of behavioural economics and rigorous evaluation.

Partially achieved

Results: Key Activity 5.9


Establish an effective public data sharing framework through the work of the Office of the National Data Commissioner.

The Office of the National Data Commissioner leads reforms to improve data sharing and use across the APS.

On track

Results: Key Activity 5.10


Deliver high-quality and regular updates to the Prime Minister on implementation of key priorities across Government.

Regular and high-quality updates are provided to the Prime Minister on the delivery of key priorities.


Results: Key Activity 5.11