The department

Our role is to:

  • provide high-quality advice and support to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and our portfolio Ministers
  • provide advice on major domestic policy, national security and international matters, and lead cross-portfolio collaboration to develop astute, responsive and rigorous advice on policy development and program implementation
  • build partnerships with First Australians to increase positive opportunities for economic development, health, wellbeing and cultural identity
  • lead an Australian Public Service (APS) that is best placed to serve the Australian people into the future.

To do this we are supported by:

  • 2,188 staff operating across 110 different PM&C offices
  • this includes 44 regional locations and 66 remote locations
  • our Regional Network, which works in partnership with First Australians to develop locally-driven solutions, community empowerment and place-based partnership models
  • our transformation agenda, which is driving change from within and creating a PM&C that is a knowledge organisation, technologically adept, flexible and collaborative, and inclusive and diverse.