Performance Results for improving the lives of Indigenous Australians

Purpose 3

3. Improving the lives of Indigenous Australians

The results for Purpose 3 are listed against the relevant activity, KPI and measurement from the Corporate Plan 2017–2021 and relevant targets from the Portfolio Budget Statements 2017–18.

Results were combined based on an independent survey, formal feedback from stakeholders, analysis of system-based data and an internal assessment of case studies and achievements.

Policy advice, support and coordination

In 2017–18, PM&C provided advice on the Closing the Gap policy and programs to improve the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Activity KPI Performance Measurements Result

Policy advice, support and coordination

Substantially achieved

Provide high-quality and timely advice on Indigenous Affairs to support the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and Minister for Indigenous Affairs.
Coordinate submissions, responses, and contributions to, government policies.

The Prime Minister, Minister for Indigenous Affairs and the Cabinet are satisfied with the quality, relevance and timeliness of advice and support provided by the Department.
Coordinate and contribute to timely and effective policy development across government.

Feedback from the Prime Minister, Minister for Indigenous Affairs, the Cabinet, and to the Executive shows a high level of satisfaction with the quality and timeliness of advice received.

Achieved a result of 61 (satisfied) against a target of 71 (highly satisfied).

Use of case studies, independent panels or providers shows PM&C significantly influenced decision-making. Achieved.
The measurement relates to the timeliness of advice and the contribution to effective policy development indicators.
85% of responses to requests for briefs are delivered within agreed timelines. Achieved a result of 92% of responses delivered to timelines.
85% of responses to requests for ministerial correspondence are delivered within set timelines. Achieved a result of 53% of responses within timelines for the Indigenous Affairs Group.

The following case studies support the achievement of the activity.

Case study - Closing the Gap Report Seven Targets

In February 2018, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull tabled the annual Closing the Gap: Prime Minister’s report 2018 in Parliament, delivering on the commitment to monitor progress against the Closing the Gap targets.

The report showed that three of the seven Closing the Gap targets were on track. The report put this progress in the context of the Australian Government initiatives and investment and showcased innovative local solutions from Indigenous organisations and communities across Australia.

Government, communities and businesses all contributed to the report. Within PM&C, contributions were guided by a cohesive governance structure,with two reference groups reporting to the Indigenous Affairs Executive:one of senior Indigenous colleagues and one of branch heads in key areas such as health, community safety, employment, education and early childhood. Contributions to the report came from every branch in the PM&C Indigenous Affairs Group, all regional managers, and 20 agencies and departments across the APS.

The annual Closing the Gap report is available online and includes video messages from Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Ministers Scullion, Cash, Birmingham and Wyatt; video case studies; and state-of-the art animation.

The media strategy included the report’s presence on social and traditional media and supported a suite of events, including statements in the Senate and House of Representatives.

Strong project management and effective collaboration were required to ensure that all elements of the report, statements and events were delivered on time and met ministerial expectations. The response to the report from media, stakeholders and community was positive.

Case study - Commonwealth Rights and Interests in Indigenous Property Project

In February 2018, the Australian Government held caveats over more than 2,800 Indigenous owned properties purchased with grants made by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) and its predecessor organisations. Former ATSIC legislation stopped the Australian Government from removing its interests in these properties unless they were being sold, transferred or mortgaged. This has prevented Indigenous organisations from leveraging the equity in these properties.

Early in 2017 PM&C led a process of legislative change to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Act 2005 that would allow the Commonwealth to remove its rights and interests over these properties’ caveats.

During the process, we collaborated closely with consenting authorities such as the Indigenous Land Corporation and Indigenous Business Australia.

The project has overcome identified risks and barriers. A key risk to the project was the passage through Parliament of the enabling legislation. We mitigated this risk through initial consultations undertaken in 2017, which have led to further collaboration with stakeholders in 2018. We also sought the views of the 40 Indigenous organisations that own the highest number of Commonwealth caveated properties.

Following the legislative change on 13 February 2018, we formed a governance committee to oversee the consultation process and to co-design the policy approach to lifting the caveats. The committee comprised Commonwealth consenting authorities and key Indigenous stakeholders.

Throughout May and June 2018, PM&C held nine face-to-face consultation sessions with 95 organisations in Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales. In Tasmania and the Northern Territory, where there are only a few organisations impacted by the changes, we offered consultation through videoconferencing facilities.

Our effective collaboration with stakeholders has enabled the development of a draft policy that supports economic development opportunities for Indigenous organisations and reduces red tape. We will continue to work with stakeholders in 2018–19 before seeking final policy endorsement.

Case study - Time to Work Employment Service

The Time to Work Employment Service (TWES) is a new $17.6 million employment service for Indigenous prisoners and is being jointly implemented by PM&C and the Department of Jobs and Small Business between 2018 and 2021.

PM&C brought a whole-of-government perspective to drive significant cultural competence improvements to the program design, coordinate engagement with states and territories, and identify cross-government solutions to policy and implementation challenges.

To effectively deliver TWES within state-run prisons, PM&C had primary responsibility for negotiating eight separate memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with corrections and health agencies in each state and territory. Since August 2017, five MOUs have been signed with New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory, and the rest are on track to be finalised by the end of 2018 in line with staggered start dates for the program.

PM&C’s involvement in the development of TWES has helped achieve a range of strategic priorities, including improving the lives of Indigenous Australians by targeting the unique and complex job-seeking needs of Indigenous prisoners;and ensuring the program was developed in line with the relevant Cabinet decision.

Case study - Empowerment and development agenda to close the gap on Indigenous disparity in Cape York Peninsula

The local Indigenous people of Cape York have developed a plan, Pama Futures, to close the gap on Indigenous disparity in their region. The proposal calls for the Aboriginal people of Cape York to take responsibility for their own people as part of a true partnership with government.

Pama Futures has been developed with input from people from across Cape York through on-the-ground workshops, design labs and community facilitators in each sub-region working with their local communities. This work culminated in a summit in December 2017 attended by over 400 people, including 330 Traditional Owners.

PM&C’s national office worked closely with the Regional Network to actively support the design process in partnership with Indigenous leaders. Officials attended the design labs and summits to provide the Government’s policy positions on various matters, which were then factored in to the development of the model. We also worked with Cape York Partnership and Cape York Land Council in developing the modelling for Pama Futures, which leaders then tested and further refined at the community level across Cape York. The proposed model outlines governance structures which will continue this partnership approach through the implementation of Pama Futures.

Pama Futures focuses on three areas of reform:

  • land rights reform to strengthen decision-making by grassroots land owners as more land in the region is settled under native title and lands rights processes
  • empowerment of Indigenous families and individuals in Cape York sub-regions, including involvement in robust local decision-making processes for services and programs in these areas
  • economic development on Indigenous land supported through investment-ready tenure, industry and enterprise opportunities, employment and retaining funding in Cape York with appropriate investment in building the human capital required for success.

To achieve this reform, Pama Futures seeks to have government work with Aboriginal people in a genuine partnership to address structural barriers such as passive welfare and restrictive land tenure that impede opportunities for economic independence.

Cape York is one of the Empowered Communities regions across the country in which the Australian Government is working in partnership with Aboriginal leaders. Through its Regional Network, PM&C is supporting the Indigenous-led Empowered Communities initiative. Empowered Communities is a new way for Indigenous communities and governments to work together to set priorities, improve services and apply funding effectively at a regional level.It aims to increase Indigenous ownership and give Indigenous people a greater say in decisions that affect them.

Cape Tribulation
Panoramic view of Cape Tribulation where the Rainforest meets the Great Barrier Reef in Far North Queensland.


In 2017–18, PM&C supported collaborations across government and with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Activity KPI Performance Measurements Result



Work with other agencies and external parties to strengthen relationships and drive whole-of-government effort in Indigenous Affairs.

Build partnerships that strengthen engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, leaders and stakeholders to facilitate holistic place-based responses, support policy decisions and program outcomes.

Provide leadership to the APS in government decisions, policies and priorities that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Agencies and external stakeholders are satisfied with the timeliness, relevance and effectiveness of collaboration across government and with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Feedback from external stakeholders demonstrates effective collaboration between the Department and other parties on specific policy decisions or outcomes.

Achieved a result of 66 (effective) against a target range of 51 to 70 (effective).

Use of case studies, independent panels or providers that show PM&C significantly strengthened relationships and facilitated strategic priorities that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Achieved

The following case studies support the achievement of the activity.

Case study - Indigenous Economic Prosperity in Western Sydney

Western Sydney is Australia’s third largest economy. It is estimated that billions of dollars of infrastructure investment will be rolled out in the region over the next 20 years. This significant economic boost to the region presents a unique opportunity for the up to 35,000 First Australians currently living in Western Sydney, 60 per cent of whom are of working age (15–65 years).

By 2020 there are expected to be an additional 80,000 jobs generated across industry sectors. In addition there is expected to be, thanks to current government procurement policies, more than $1 billion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enterprises generated through public infrastructure investment alone.

In 2017-18, PM&C worked closely across government to accelerate Indigenous economic prosperity in Western Sydney.

In February 2018, the Government announced its Indigenous Business Sector Strategy and committed to establishing Indigenous Business Hubs in three major cities, including Western Sydney. Scheduled for launch in late 2018, the Western Sydney Hub will be a one-stop-shop providing business advice, business support services, and better connections with Indigenous employment services and opportunities. The Hub is being implemented by the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, drawing on Indigenous leadership from the outset.

The Hub forms one part of the Western Sydney City Deal, through which the Australian and New South Wales governments have committed to Indigenous employment (2.4 per cent) and procurement (3 per cent) targets for all government funded construction projects under the deal. This commitment was further leveraged to secure the same targets for the $5.3 billion development of the Western Sydney Airport.

PM&C continues to work closely with the local community, the New South Wales Government, industry stakeholders and local leaders to accelerate economic opportunities for First Australians as Western Sydney continues to grow. In June 2018, PM&C finalised a strategy to better connect demand and supply for priority infrastructure pipelines, harness secondary and service sector growth and support the enabling potential of Indigenous social and cultural capital. Efforts will be made to influence the agendas of Western Sydney governance and leadership bodies, to unlock opportunities for First Australians to participate in the economic and social development of Western Sydney over the next 20 years and beyond.

Case study - Trachoma and Environmental Health Workshop, Alice Springs

On 28 February 2018, the Alice Springs and Canberra offices of PM&C, in partnership with Indigenous Eye Health at the University of Melbourne and the Northern Territory Government’s Centre for Disease Control, convened a multi-sector workshop looking at how to improve environmental health to help eliminate trachoma in Central Australia.

Professor Hugh Taylor from the Indigenous Eye Health Unit, University of Melbourne, highlighted that addressing clean faces / clean hands and improving environmental health will help to improve a range of health conditions, including Otitis Media, hearing loss, skin infections, lung conditions, rheumatic heart disease and subsequent conditions like kidney disease.

Taking a place-based approach, a locally-based working group has been established to agree on local actions to improve environmental health.

Case study - Benefits of intergovernmental and portfolio collaboration to improve outcome reporting

In 2017–18 PM&C partnered with the Department of Finance to hold workshops with PM&C’s Indigenous portfolio bodies (IPBs). The sessions aimed to support a practical understanding of Commonwealth-wide planning and reporting reforms under the PGPA Act.

Collaboration within PM&C facilitates a whole-of-PM&C perspective and helps illuminate the difficult and complex environments that IPBs face in delivering services in challenging operating environments. This inclusive approach also supports collaboration opportunities to inform future Indigenous policy development.

An intergovernmental and cross-portfolio collaborative approach supports PM&C’s portfolio bodies to meet their PGPA Act obligations. This type of engagement also helps to identify strategies to communicate improved outcome reporting in corporate plans and annual reports.

Case study - Closing the Gap Special Gathering

On 7–8 February 2018 an historic Special Gathering of prominent Indigenous Australians was held in Canberra to coincide with COAG. The meeting was held to inform the development of the Closing the Gap refresh and discuss priorities for the next decade of Closing the Gap.

Participants brought a diverse range of backgrounds and expertise from all states and territories.

Attendees met with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, First Ministers and the Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion to talk directly about their experiences and give feedback on the next phase of Closing the Gap.

A delegation from the Special Gathering presented COAG with a statement setting out the Special Gathering’s priorities for the refresh. COAG also agreed to undertake community consultations and complete the refresh with national and state targets, performance indicators and accountabilities.

The Special Gathering was a crucial part of our engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. The statement delivered to COAG will be important in facilitating further dialogue on Indigenous aspirations for the Closing the Gap refresh.

Ian Anderson IAG Deputy Secreary
Professor Ian Anderson, Deputy Secretary Indigenous Affairs addresses a Closing the Gap Indigenous peak organisations roundtable event.

Implementation and Monitoring Programs

In 2017–18, PM&C improved the implementation and monitoring of Australian Government partnerships aimed at advancing the wellbeing of First Australians.

Activity KPI Performance Measurements Result

Implementation and monitoring programs


Design and deliver Indigenous Affairs initiatives, policies, programs, national agreements and reforms including those under Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) programs:

  • Jobs, Land and Economy
  • Children and Schooling
  • Safety and Wellbeing
  • Culture and Capability
  • Remote Australia Strategies.

Promote the Government’s priorities in Indigenous Affairs through funding selected service providers in a streamlined and flexible manner and manage their performance and capability.

Drive and oversee whole-of-government effort to improve the effectiveness and evaluation of program delivery.

Improved outcomes for Indigenous Australians from Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) activities in areas such as education, employment, community safety,wellbeing and economic development.

Actively monitor and support timely development and implementation of government policies and programs.

Improved delivery of programs.

Successfully manage program funding agreements and activities to deliver on program outcomes and support local priorities.

Successful delivery of IAS activities is demonstrated through evaluations and grant activity reviews, including the use of case studies that show improved outcomes for Indigenous Australians.


Service providers meet their agreed milestones on time and do not exceed funding agreements. Achieved

The following case studies support the achievement of the activity.

Evaluation - School Enrolment and Attendance Measure

The School Enrolment and Attendance Measure (SEAM) was established in 2009. It was designed to support parents to get their children to regularly attend school. Under SEAM, the Northern Territory Department of Education Senior Attendance and Truancy Officers worked with Department of Human Services social workers and families to overcome the barriers preventing children from attending school.

To gain a better understanding of the impact of SEAM on school attendance patterns, a randomised controlled trial (RCT) was conducted in partnership with Harvard University. The trial found no evidence that SEAM was achieving its main objective of increasing school attendance. The RCT, together with other evaluations of SEAM, resulted in the program ceasing operation at the end of 2017.

The Australian and Northern Territory governments remain committed to improving school attendance in remote communities. The Remote School Attendance Strategy continues to support schools, families and parents so that children can go to school every day possible.

Case study - Community Development Programme

The Community Development Programme (CDP) is the Government’s remote employment and community development service. In 2017–18, CDP continued to deliver strong employment outcomes for remote job seekers by supporting 7,190 participants into 8,335 jobs. Of these, 3,275 stayed in a job for at least 26 weeks. This is an increase of 17 per cent from 2016–17.

CDP providers play a key role in the success of CDP. PM&C has a rigorous performance framework to ensure providers are delivering high-quality services. The framework involves a formal performance review of each provider every six months. The review comprises a mix of quantitative data extracted from the CDP IT system, on-site observations of activities by PM&C network staff, discussions with the community and local stakeholders, as well as evidence presented by the provider. A national moderation process, and training and support to PM&C network staff, ensure there is consistency in assessments across the nation. The Australian National Audit Office acknowledged the quality of this process in its 2017 performance review of the administration of the CDP.

The performance reviews have driven improvements over the past two and a half years. In this time frame, the number of providers rated as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ has increased by 44 per cent. The reviews have also assisted PM&C to manage underperformance. Providers that do not meet the Department’s standards are required to undergo more intensive and regular assessments. In the most serious cases, the Department has removed providers from the programme and replaced them with new providers.

The performance framework has evolved over time to reflect the ongoing maturity of the programme and to continue to drive improved performance. In April 2018, PM&C introduced significant changes to stretch providers further. This included increased weightings for the quality of activities and greater emphasis on community engagement.

These changes, which recognise the importance of community engagement, have been supported by the move towards greater community control in the delivery of CDP. In 2017–18, PM&C introduced new eligibility requirements for CDP providers. Under the new requirements, providers must be 50 per cent Indigenous owned or controlled. By August 2018, we expect providers in all regions except one, to meet this criterion.

PM&C is implementing the reforms to the programme which were announced in the 2018–19 Budget. The reforms include enhancements to assessments of job seekers’ barriers, reduced reporting requirements for more vulnerable job seekers and the establishment of a ‘pathway’ to long-term employment through the creation of 6,000 subsidised jobs. These reforms were informed by consultation and discussion with remote communities.

Case study - Indigenous Advancement Strategy Evaluation Framework

The Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS), introduced in 2014, is the way that the Australian Government funds and delivers a range of programs targeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

In February 2018, PM&C released the IAS Evaluation Framework. The IAS framework supports the Government’s commitment to investing $40 million over four years, as announced in the 2017–18 Budget, to strengthen IAS evaluations and policy effectiveness. It was developed in consultation with Indigenous Australians.

The IAS Evaluation Framework reflects best practice in evaluation. In particular, it is designed to ensure that evaluation is high-quality, ethical and inclusive and generates robust and transparent findings which are focused on improving outcomes for Indigenous Australians.

An Indigenous Evaluation Committee will help to oversee the implementation of the framework. The committee will support transparency and ensure evaluation within the PM&C Indigenous Affairs Group is independent and impartial.Its key objective will be to strengthen the quality, credibility, and influence of the Indigenous Affairs Group’s evaluation practices.

Case study - Analysis of current Indigenous Advancement Strategy performance data

In 2017–18 performance reporting was based on self-assessment by provider organisations. Organisations indicated whether they are ‘on track’, ‘partly on track’ or ‘off track’ against each KPI. There were two mandatory KPls for IAS grant projects.

The results in the six-month performance report period 1 July to 31 December 2017 (Graph 1) show the self-assessment of performance in terms of service provider overall compliance with project agreement terms and conditions (Mandatory KPI ‘M2’). Graph 1 shows:

  • the percentage of projects that self-assessed as ‘on track’ ranged from 82 per cent of Jobs, Land and Economy (Program 2.1) to 90 per cent for Children and Schooling (Program 2.2) and Remote Australia Strategy (Program 2.5)
  • the percentage of projects that self-assessed as ‘partly on track’ ranged from 9 per cent for Program 2.2 to 18 per cent for Program 2.1
  • 1 per cent of Program 2.2 projects and 1 per cent of Safety and Wellbeing (Program 2.3) projects were self-assessed as ‘off track’.

Each IAS project is required to report the level of employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the delivery of the funded activity
(as Mandatory KPI ‘M1’). The 1,423 IAS projects that submitted performance reports were delivered by 12,490 employees, of which:

  • 8,638 (69 per cent) were Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • 3,852 (31 per cent) were non-Indigenous.

PM&C Agreement Managers, mostly based in the Regional Network, review the performance information that service providers submit. They verify reported progress, drawing on their extensive on-the-ground knowledge about the implementation of grant projects.

Graph 1 - Self-assessed compliance with project agreement terms and conditions, by Indigenous Advancement Strategy program (Round 5)

Graph of self-assessed compliance with project agreement terms and conditions, by Indigneous Advancement Strategy program (Round 5)

Case study - Improving the Indigenous Advancement Strategy performance framework—updating the IAS key performance indicators

PM&C’s Program Office has been leading a project focused on maturing the IAS approach to measuring and reporting on the performance of grants.

An independent research company was engaged to assist with the process.During the second half of 2017, 30 workshops were held with program areas to develop a suite of revised grant KPIs and identify potential data sources and associated data collection methodologies.

The revised KPIs have been progressively applied to new or varied IAS grant agreements during 2018.

The revised KPIs will give us a better understanding of what is being achieved from our current programmes. This is just one of several initiatives underway to strengthen our approach to monitoring and reporting on service provider and program performance.

Case study - The Indigenous Home Ownership Program

In 2017–18, key areas of home ownership policy reform were delivered through close collaboration with Indigenous Business Australia (IBA). This work followed the PM&C-commissioned review of IBA’s Indigenous Home Ownership Program (IHOP), which identified key areas for reform. These areas addressed barriers to Indigenous home ownership, especially in remote Australia.

By working with IBA on its policy response to the IHOP review, IBA has focused on servicing low-income customers, modernised the IHOP application process and provided more relevant loan products, resulting in:

  • 880 loans being written to 15 June for the 2017–18 financial year, more than 154 per cent of IBA’s full year target of 580 loans. Approximately 920 loans are expected to be approved in 2017–18
  • stricter eligibility conditions for the top two tiers of income eligibility, a reduced starting interest rate and lower deposit requirements, which ensured that 96 per cent of these loans were issued to customers in the lowest three income bands
  • improved access through an online application process, which resulted in a 50 per cent increase to remote loans, with 35 approved in 2017
  • the extension of the scope of the Remote Indigenous Home Loan program, including $1.5 million to remote building projects in Hopevale, Queensland and the Tiwi Islands, Northern Territory.

Policy changes have led to a significant increase in demand. IBA has been researching opportunities to access non-government capital and potential new lending models to meet this increased demand. Over the second half of 2018, PM&C will continue to collaborate with IBA to address barriers to home ownership and assist IBA to develop new models to increase home lending outside of government appropriation and direct lending.

Case study - Regulating and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations

As at 30 June 2018, 3,046 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations were registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)Act 2006 (CATSI Act), including 186 registered native title bodies corporate. The Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC) supports and regulates corporations registered under the CATSI Act. During the year, ORIC registered 183 new corporations, including eight transfers of incorporation from other legislation. ORIC finalised deregistration for 41 corporations.

Corporations lodged 6,224 forms and documents with ORIC requiring changes to the Register of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations, including:

  • 2,581 corporation reports
  • 1,106 changes to directors, contact persons and secretaries
  • 899 members lists
  • 222 contact details
  • 235 rule books.

Corporations requested 563 exemptions—ORIC granted 507 and rejected 56. There were 103,588 website sessions involving a search of the public register where anyone can access information about individual corporations.

ORIC delivered corporate governance training to 1,083 participants from 260 corporations. There were 64 workshops in total (one diploma; one Certificate IV; six Introduction to Corporate Governance workshops; seven two-day Governance workshops; two Building Strong Stores workshops; and 72 corporation-specific workshops). Ninety-seven per cent of participants reported they increased their understanding of corporate governance.

ORIC’s website provides a range of guidance and information about corporate governance. In the first quarter there were 180,806 sessions on ORIC’s website by 85,543 users. On average, users viewed 2.85 pages per session. In total there were 27,507 document downloads from the website.

ORIC started the financial year with 19 examinations in progress and has started a further 69. As at 30 June 2018, 53 examinations had been finalised. Of these, 25 corporations were operating well and were issued a management letter; 23 were required to improve standards outlined in a compliance notice; and five had serious issues and were asked to show cause why a special administrator should not be appointed.

The CATSI Act provides the Registrar with a unique form of regulatory assistance to support corporations with serious governance or financial problems. Six special administrations were in progress at the outset of the year and six were started during 2017–18. Eight were completed. All eight were handed back to members’ control—one of these by order of the Court. The average duration of special administrations was 5.8 months.

Case study - School Based Traineeship with AFL SportsReady

The Jobs, Land and Economy Program School Based Traineeship (SBT) provides a pathway to education or ongoing employment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in years 10 to 12. Following successful completion of year 12, the SBT provides wrap-around servicing, including mentoring:

  • Between December 2015 and June 2018, 156 (105 new places, 51 transition places) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary school students were supported to successfully complete year 12 and transition to employment, higher education or training opportunities.
  • Of the 105 new commencements, 89 completed the first year and commenced the second year of their SBT. Of those, all successfully completed secondary schooling, with approximately 85 participants now transitioning into higher education, employment or further
    training opportunities in 2018.

Case study - Indigenous Rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas

More than 2,900 jobs are provided for First Australians as a result of the Government’s investment in Indigenous rangers. The Australian Government has provided more than $640 million for Indigenous rangers over eight years to 2021 and more than $180 million for Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs) over 10 years to 2023.

Indigenous rangers undertake important work to protect and conserve threatened species, marine systems and cultural places, and address environmental threats caused by feral animals, invasive weeds, marine debris and wild fire. IPA and Indigenous ranger projects actively work within local communities to build capacity and strengthen the community.

A 2016 study measuring the social, cultural, environmental and economic outcomes generated by these land and sea management projects found that rangers reported having increased skills through training and experience, increased confidence, and better health and wellbeing.

IPAs are voluntarily established by Indigenous communities on Indigenous-owned or jointly managed land or sea country. IPAs combine traditional and contemporary knowledge into a framework to leverage partnerships with conservation and commercial organisations and provide employment, education and training opportunities for First Australians.

IPAs cover a total of 67,312,453 hectares, or 44.6 per cent of the National Reserve System (as at 30 June 2018).


Indigenous rangers at the Nantawarrina IPA
Indigenous rangers at the Nantawarrina Indigenous Protected Area, South Australia.

Case study - Indigenous Procurement Policy

PM&C works closely with the Department of Finance and other Commonwealth parties to implement the Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP). The IPP is intended to increase the number of Indigenous businesses in the Commonwealth’s supply chain, stimulating Indigenous enterprise development and entrepreneurship.

In addition to directly working with Indigenous businesses to meet its own purchasing target, PM&C supports other agencies to engage with Indigenous businesses. PM&C monitors and reports on the Commonwealth’s performance against the whole-of-government 3 per cent IPP target.

Since the IPP was launched in July 2015, the Commonwealth has purchased over $1.084 billion worth of goods and services through 1,074 Indigenous businesses This is made up of 6,849 contracts valued at $871.9 million and a managing contract to deliver the $213.4 million Garden Island (East) Critical Infrastructure Recovery Program (stage 1) for the Department of Defence. During the period commencing in July 2015, the PM&C portfolio has entered into 810 confirmed contracts with Indigenous businesses worth approximately $75.4 million.

The Commonwealth, and the PM&C portfolio exceeded the target in 2016–17 and preliminary results indicate performance is on track to meet the target again in 2017–18. The final 2017–18 results are due to be released in October 2018.

PM&C’s strong commitment to implementing the IPP through its own contracting practices was recognised in May 2017, when it was awarded the Supply Nation Government Member of the Year Award. For more information about how the IPP works, go to

Minister Scullion speaking at the IBSS trade fair
Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion speaks about the Indigenous Business Sector Strategy at the Supply Nation trade fair in Sydney.

Portfolio Budget Statements

PM&C also measured our achievements in 2017–18 against criteria set down for Outcome 2 in the Portfolio Budget Statements:

Improve results for Indigenous Australians including in relation to school attendance, employment and community safety, through delivering services and programs, and through measures that recognise the place that Indigenous people hold in this Nation.

Performance results for Programs 2.1 to 2.7
Program Performance criteria Target Result
2.1 Jobs, Land and Economy

Increased Indigenous employment, business and economic development.

Advice is provided to the Government and Commonwealth departments to support better outcomes for Indigenous Australians through mainstream employment programs.


Target of 3 per cent of Commonwealth Government contracts are awarded to Indigenous-owned business. Achieved
2.2 Children and Schooling

Increased Indigenous school attendance and improved educational outcomes.

Meeting COAG education targets: halve the gap in reading, writing and numeracy achievements for Indigenous students by 2018. Close the gap in school attendance by the end of 2018. Halve the gap for Indigenous students in year 12 (or equivalent) attainment rates by 2020.

PM&C coordinates the report on achievement of COAG targets by all governments. For the education targets,Year 12 attainment is on track. The other two targets are not on track.

At least 70 per cent of funded activities within this program met the mandatory KPI on the extent of compliance with Project Agreement terms and conditions. Achieved
2.3 Safety and Wellbeing

Reduced levels of offending, violence and substance abuse.

At least 70 per cent of funded activities within this program met the mandatory KPI on the extent of compliance with Project Agreement terms and conditions.


2.4 Culture and Capability

Increased participation of Indigenous people in Australian society and improved capability of Indigenous organisations.

At least 70 per cent of funded activities within this program met the mandatory KPI on the extent of compliance with Project Agreement terms and conditions.


2.5 Remote Australia Strategies

Investment in local solutions based on community and government priorities.

At least 70 per cent of funded activities within this program met the mandatory KPI on the extent of compliance with Project Agreement terms and conditions.


2.6 Evaluation and Research

Increased understanding of whether funding and policies are effective.

Increase research and/or existing research made more usable.

At least 70 per cent of funded activities within this program met the mandatory KPI on the extent of compliance with Project Agreement terms and conditions.

There were no new 2017–18 funded grant activities in Program 2.6.

2.7 Program Support Efficient department support to the six Indigenous Advancement Strategy programs. At least 70 per cent of key performance measures in the Corporate Plan are met or are on track. Achieved a result of 75 per cent against a target of 70.