Corporate governance

PM&C promotes a culture that encourages and supports accountability, integrity, trust, honesty and respect. Underlying our culture is the PM&C corporate governance framework, which includes:

  • a governance committee structure (see Table 3.1)
  • business planning
  • audit and assurance activities
  • risk management
  • fraud prevention and fraud control
  • Secretary’s Instructions
  • business continuity
  • performance agreements.

This corporate governance framework assists us in achieving our objectives.


PM&C has a number of committees that support the Secretary. These are outlined in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Departmental committees and their membership and purposes
Committee Members Purpose
Executive Board Chair:
Dr Martin Parkinson


  • Deputy Secretaries
  • First Assistant Secretary Corporate Division (monthly attendance)
PM&C’s leadership group providing overall direction on PM&C’s culture, capability and performance by:
  • setting PM&C’s strategic direction and ensuring delivery of its goals
  • driving PM&C’s transformation agenda
  • ensuring effective operations, use of resources and risk engagement
  • advising on significant government priorities, including cross-portfolio and international or intergovernmental
  • providing a leadership role to the Australian Public Service (APS).

The Executive Board meets weekly.

Operations Committee Co-chairs:
Mr Andrew Tongue
Ms Stephanie Foster


  • Deputy Secretary Economic, First Assistant Secretary Programme Office
  • National Director Regional Network
  • First Assistant Secretary Economic Division
  • Assistant Secretary South and South East Asia Pacific, Europe and Africa Branch
  • Assistant Secretary Strategic Coordination and National Security Branch
  • Assistant Secretary Education and Immigration Branch
  • Assistant Secretary Policy and Evidence Branch
Assists the Secretary and Executive Board to embed PM&C’s transformation agenda and improve PM&C’s operations and performance through the development and delivery of strategies to:
  • ensure PM&C’s resources are well managed and support delivery of its goals
  • oversee and improve PM&C’s enabling services
  • drive PM&C’s performance and risk engagement.

The Operations Committee meets monthly.

People Committee Co-chairs:
Ms Lin Hatfield Dodds
Ms Stephanie Foster


  • First Assistant Secretary Ministerial Support Division
  • National Director Regional Network
  • First Assistant Secretary National Security Division
  • Assistant Secretary Tertiary Education and Policy Coordination
  • Assistant Secretary Social Services
Assists the Secretary and Executive Board to embed PM&C’s transformation agenda and effective operations through the development and delivery of strategies to:
  • ensure PM&C has the capability to deliver its goals
  • build a culture of inclusion, innovation and collaboration.

The People Committee meets quarterly.

Audit Committee Independent Chair:
Mr Jeff Lamond

Internal and external members

Provides independent assurance and assistance to the Secretary and the Executive Board on PM&C’s risk oversight, systems of internal control, and financial and performance reporting. The committee is established under section 45 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.

Meetings are held quarterly, with an additional meeting for consideration of the annual financial statements and performance statement.

Risk management

PM&C operates in a complex and dynamic environment. We manage risk to maximise opportunity and innovation while protecting the interests of PM&C and its principal stakeholders.

In May 2018, the Executive Board endorsed a new risk management policy and framework, which will be implemented in 2018–19. The framework is an example of PM&C innovation—it is a more accessible, dynamic system that provides staff with the practical tools and guidance necessary to support them in taking measured risks.

The new framework assesses and manages risk at the strategic level in response to the purposes and priorities of the Corporate Plan and, at the enterprise level, operational risks that might affect the achievement of PM&C’s objectives. To ensure a robust system, the Audit Committee and the Operations Committee monitor risks and the effectiveness of controls.

Complaints management

PM&C manages complaints impartially and openly through our complaints and feedback system. Complaints and feedback are usually received through our complaints email address,, and/or via the complaints hotline (02 6271 5688).

During 2017–18, 50 complaints were received, compared with 18 complaints in 2016–17. This increase comes as a result of improved capture of data, including through complaints received in PM&C’s Regional Network.

Fraud prevention and control

PM&C’s Fraud and Corruption Control Plan articulates how we prevent, detect, investigate and report on fraud. It links to our new risk management framework. PM&C takes a zero-tolerance approach to internal and external fraud and corruption. We encourage a culture characterised by the highest standards of ethical behaviour.

Our fraud awareness strategy includes induction training for new staff and refresher training every two years after that. The training is delivered in a number of ways, including through online e-learning and face-to-face delivery. Training can be tailored and is available on a needs basis.

Suspected fraud (both internal and external) can be reported to or our fraud line (02 6152 3598). All allegations, including those involving departmental funds, are assessed and, if appropriate, investigated. The fraud risks and lessons learned, identified throughout the investigation process, are recorded and communicated to the relevant program area, the Regional Network and the Compliance and Audit Committees.