Corporate services


Corporate services enable PM&C to be modern, inclusive and responsive. An indicator of success is that ministerial officers, the Executive, the Senior Executive Service (SES) and staff are satisfied with the quality, relevance and timeliness of corporate services.

Activity KPI Performance Measurements Result

Corporate services


Corporate services enables the Department to be modern, inclusive and responsive.

Ministerial officers, the Executive, SES and staff are satisfied with the quality, relevance and timeliness of corporate services.

Independent feedback demonstrates high levels of satisfaction with the quality and timeliness of corporate services.

Achieved a result of 80 against a target of 71.

Assessment of effectiveness of corporate services using case studies, benchmarking, independent panels or provider assessment. Achieved.
Level of employee overall satisfaction, as indicated in the APS employee Census, is maintained or improved. Achieved a result of 71 against a benchmark of 63.

The following case study support the achievement of the activity.


Case study - Digital First Platform

The Digital First System is a web application created as a collaborative space to ‘bring the Department and the Prime Minister’s Office closer together around briefs’. The Digital First System is now being used across PM&C and a number of agencies to host a range of business processes such as travel and event briefs, speeches, parliamentary processes, invitation tracking and policy announcement coordination.

The platform improves the quality, relevance and timeliness of advice provided to the Prime Minister on key policies. Allowing a fast feedback loop is core to the application, it greatly improves the relevance and timeliness of advice.The Prime Minister and the Office can easily request further details on the briefs. This automatically creates system notifications for officers in PM&C, prompting them to respond to the request. PM&C’s responses are immediately available to the Prime Minister and the Office on any device (desktop, laptop, iPad/iPhone). All of this communication is managed within the application.

The application also integrates with other departmental applications, allowing officers to direct the Prime Minister to more detailed implementation data. Because the application facilitates such an immediate feedback loop, we can quickly and directly provide more refined advice to the Prime Minister
and the Office.