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Enhancing Australia’s international and national security


PM&C provides advice and drives outcomes on international and national security policy.

We support and coordinate a whole-of-government approach to safeguarding and advancing Australia’s international and strategic interests in a rapidly changing environment, with the view to enhancing the safety, security and prosperity of all Australians. In this period of heightened geo-strategic tension, our support for the Government’s international agenda will prioritise our national interest in a complex domestic and global environment.

PM&C helps shape and deliver the Prime Minister’s national security agenda. It supports the Government by increasing Australia’s resilience to the most critical threats to our national security, while ensuring that national security imperatives are balanced with broader social and economic considerations. Key areas of policy advice and coordination include: strengthening cyber security and resilience to foreign interference; maintaining the integrity of Australia’s borders; countering the ongoing threat of terrorism; strengthening Australia's ability to respond to crises; and ensuring the Australian Defence Force and the National Intelligence community have the strategies and capabilities required to effectively deter and respond to threats against Australia, its citizens, and its interests.

At a time of complex and rapid strategic change, PM&C helps deliver the Prime Minister’s international agenda to shape international thinking and events to Australia’s benefit. PM&C also supports the Government to design and implement policies to ensure Australia has the strength, dynamism and flexibility to advance our national interests globally. Key areas of policy advice and coordination include:

  • progressing Australia’s interests in the Indo-Pacific region
  • implementing the Government’s Pacific Step-up
  • reinforcing Australia’s alliance with the United States
  • strengthening and elevating our strategic and economic partnerships
  • boosting Australia’s influence in multilateral organisations and standard-setting bodies so they better serve our economic and security interests.

On matters of national security and international policy, PM&C seeks to maximise the effectiveness of Government decision-making by providing high-quality support to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, particularly through the National Security Committee (NSC) of Cabinet. We draw upon our close understanding of the Prime Minister’s priorities and our convening power as a central agency to drive whole-of-government outcomes that further Australia’s international and strategic interests.

Key Activities

In 2020–21 to 2024, PM&C will:

  • Support the Prime Minister’s engagement with foreign counterparts in order to shape Australia’s strategic environment and advance our national interest.
  • Provide comprehensive, influential and timely advice and coordination on national security, with an emphasis on:
    • counter-terrorism and crisis management;
    • border security, law enforcement, cyber security and counter foreign interference initiatives
    • defence operations and capability, including on the national naval shipbuilding enterprise
    • the Indo-Pacific.
  • Provide comprehensive, influential and timely advice and coordination on Defence Capability, operations and strategic policy, including the establishment of a sovereign and sustainable Australian defence industrial base.
  • Support the Prime Minister as chair of NSC to secure decisions and drive implementation of:
    • sovereign capabilities and countering foreign interference
    • cyber security refresh
    • strengthening protections for critical infrastructure
    • implementation of the Government’s highest foreign policy priorities, such as the Pacific Step-up.
Performance Measures


The Prime Minister is supported to shape Australia’s international environment and pursue the Government’s agenda through timely, high-quality advice.

Decisions in relation to foreign policy are made and implemented on the basis of Australia’s national interest, and take account of a full range of social, economic and security equities.

Implementation of commitments made by the Prime Minister to foreign leaders.


  • The Prime Minister is equipped to engage overseas counterparts, with a focus on:
    • implementing the Government’s top foreign policy priorities such as the Pacific Step-up
    • strengthening and elevating new and existing strategic and economic partnerships
    • advancing Australia’s national interests in multilateral organisations and standard-setting bodies
    • delivering leader-level commitments by working in partnership with agencies from across the APS.


Decisions in relation to national security matters are made and implemented on the basis of consideration of Australia’s national interests and the full range of equities, including social, economic and security interests and implemented in a timely way.

Whole-of government response during times of crisis is coordinated seamlessly.


  • PM&C’s advice enhances the Government’s delivery of national security.
  • PM&C ensures that a whole-of-government response is coordinated effectively during times of crisis.


PM&C supports the delivery of the 2020 Defence Strategic Update and the associated Integrated Investment Program.


  • PM&C advice enhances the Government’s delivery of Defence capability.
  • The advice considers the views of all relevant stakeholders, including industry and the states and territories, where appropriate.
  • The program is delivered to agreed deadlines.


A focused NSC agenda, with clear decision making and management processes and effective implementation of decisions.


  • Quality of advice received supports the NSC agenda.