Office workers using post-it notes on a board

Governing well


PM&C provides a diverse range of high-quality support services and advice to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, our portfolio ministers and the Governor-General, to enable them to deliver on their legal and parliamentary obligations and on their priorities for the Australian people. We ensure the delivery of the legislative program of government and effectively support meetings of the Governor-General in the Federal Executive Council.

Support for good decision-making processes and the integrity of the Cabinet system is an essential service to Government. Our role is to ensure the Prime Minister and the Cabinet have access to the information they need to support informed decision-making and to undertake the important secretariat task for the Cabinet and its committees.

Our new responsibility to support the Prime Minister as chair of the National Cabinet will focus on continuing national management of the COVID-19 health response and co-ordination of a national agenda for economic recovery through creating jobs and rebuilding the economy.

Australia is a respected global partner and we support the Prime Minister in promoting our country’s interests internationally through overseas visits and welcoming visiting Heads of State and Government as part of the Guest of Government Program. Facilitating the Prime Minister’s relationships and engagement with other leaders, including through virtual summits, has been a priority during the current global health crisis.

PM&C recognises that good policy development and service delivery relies on robust research and data and rigorous analysis. We are tracking government priorities through to implementation. Through the regular collection of data we are monitoring the implementation of the Government’s priorities and providing the Prime Minister with regular whole-of-government updates.

Additionally, through the Project Office, we are deploying expertise in structured policy analysis to support rigorous, iterative development of policy solutions. Through the Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government (BETA) and leadership and coordination of the Australian Government data policy, governance and data sharing activities, we support more effective policies benefiting the whole community.

The APS is vital to Australia’s ongoing management of the COVID-19 crisis. Our skills in the areas of policy design and service delivery through problem solving, sharing data and mobilising people have never been more essential. We will continue to support the development of the APS’s capacity to respond to the needs of all Australians in this new operating environment. Practical APS-wide reform, underpinning our capacity to meet the current and post-COVID-19 environment, will require an APS-enterprise approach to digital investment and enhance our critical leadership capabilities.

We support the Prime Minister in responding to Australians who increasingly expect a high level of interaction on matters that affect them. Access to unambiguous and accurate information and timely responses to those Australians who take the time to share their views with the Prime Minister and portfolio ministers are an essential priority for PM&C in its support of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are also supported in the management of the executive branch of Government through the provision of advice on matters of process and policy to ensure the effective functioning of government operations.

Through the Chief Operating Officer and our Corporate areas, we manage our own organisation to ensure we are fit-for-purpose and ready to perform our functions to a high standard.

PM&C’s success in all its work is dependent on the quality of our workforce. Our people are the key to how the Department will continue to deliver a high standard of service and respond to change. We strive for excellence in everything we do through leveraging strengths-based performance, diverse expertise and continual collaboration. Our investment in people capability is critical in ensuring the Department can deliver in a fast-paced and changing environment for the benefit of Australians.

Key Activities

In 2020–21 to 2024, PM&C will:

  • Provide clear and actionable advice on significant legal risks for Government or ensure they are brought to Government’s attention.
  • Deliver high quality improvements and support for the CabNet + system for the Cabinet and all customer agencies.
  • Provide expert advice to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, portfolio ministers, PM&C and other APS agencies on governance matters relating to the operation of the executive branch of Government.
  • Advance Australia’s interests through well-executed programs, including appropriate and effective use of technology, for the Prime Minister’s overseas engagements, virtual summits, visits by Heads of State and Government and state occasions.
  • Ensure the Department as an organisation is fit-for-purpose and ready to perform our functions in line with relevant standards and best practice to support the Prime Minister, Portfolio Ministers, their offices and the executive.
  • Establish an effective public data sharing framework through the work of the Office of the National Data Commissioner.
  • Ensure Australia’s honours system appropriately recognises worthy Australians.
  • Support reforms to accelerate APS digital transformation; and drive APS capability development and planning.
  • Draw on structured policy analysis, agile project management methods and behavioural insights to deliver policy projects.
  • Provide high quality support and advice to the National Cabinet and the National Federation Reform Council.
  • Monitor and report on the implementation of Government priorities.
  • Drive development and delivery of practical reform actions that support the APS to respond to the ongoing crisis and Australia’s recovery from COVID-19, including the implementation of reforms within agencies.
  • Ensure the Department has the capacity and capability to respond to a rapidly changing operating context through the development of an agency-wide workforce strategy, including reference to APS Reform and talent and succession planning.
Performance Measures


The Prime Minister and his office have timely and comprehensive visibility of significant legal risks for Government as they emerge, including through collaboration with other areas of the Department, the Attorney General’s Department, and relevant portfolio agencies.


  • Significant legal risks for Government are identified or work with agencies is undertaken to make sure legal risks are properly drawn to Government’s attention, if not otherwise mitigated.


The new CabNet + system supports ministers and departments to collaborate easily and ensures access to timely information.


  • CabNet + system and support model is operating effectively.


High-quality expert advice is provided to the Prime Minister on governance matters, including changes to the machinery of government and/or Ministry.

Effective collaboration and coordination with relevant APS agencies on governance matters, including changes to the machinery of government.


  • Changes to the machinery of government and/or Ministry are properly supported by sound advice.


PM&C coordinates and delivers high-quality operational support for the Prime Minister’s official overseas engagements, virtual summits, for guests of government visits and state occasions.


  • The operational arrangements, including virtual meetings during the pandemic, for the Prime Minister’s international outgoing visit program, are delivered to a high standard.
  • The Guest of Government Program for incoming visits is delivered to the satisfaction of our guests, the Prime Minister and the Governor-General.
  • Media management of official visits is delivered effectively, to the satisfaction of the Prime Minister and other key stakeholders.


Timely registration and actioning of ministerial correspondence.

Communications support is effective including timely speech writing and developing and managing websites and digital communications.


  • Ministerial correspondence is:
    • registered within five working days
    • then actioned with the standard timeframes - VIP priority within five working days; VIP and organisations within 10 working days; general representation within20 working days.
  • Draft speeches are prepared to the satisfaction of the Prime Minister and his office, and the offices of Portfolio Ministers.
  • Websites are compliant with security, accessibility and user experience standards.


PM&C enables whole-of-government collaboration to facilitate good policy development including by coordinating and influencing data activities across agencies and data sharing activities.

Contribute to the delivery of the government’s key priorities through the application of behavioural economics and rigorous evaluation.


  • Data is shared across Commonwealth and state government agencies to support policy development and service delivery.
  • The data capability of Australian Government agencies matures through coordinated and influential action.
  • 15 advisory and evaluation projects completed.
  • APS employees participate in behavioural insights capability programs.


The Office of the National Data Commissioner leads reforms to improve data sharing and use across the APS.


  • Reforms are delivered within agreed timelines informed by the views of stakeholders and the data sharing framework is adopted by stakeholders.


Timely advice on the administration of Australia’s honours system is provided to the Prime Minister, with a focus on:

  • the implementation of new awards proposed by the Prime Minister
  • ensuring the integrity of the system through appropriate administration of awards.


  • Maintain the reputation and integrity of Australia’s honours system.


High-quality support provided to the National Cabinet and the National Federation Reform Council.


  • Operational support model is defined, and supporting processes and systems are in place.


Operational and support services to support meetings of Cabinet and committees are managed and delivered to a consistently high standard.


  • Clear decision making and management processes and effective implementation of decisions.
  • Stable technology to support virtual meetings, with greater than 95 per cent of meetings successful.


High-quality quantitative and qualitative data provided to the Prime Minister on the status of priorities.


  • Quarterly and biannual report to the Prime Minister.


Reforms agreed by the Secretaries Board are implemented and improve APS capability.


  • Greater than 80 per cent of initiatives delivered or on track with regular monitoring and reporting of impact measurement to the Secretaries Board.


The workforce strategy is developed and implemented.


  • The strategy is delivered by 29 January 2021.