Girl in a field

Vibrant and resilient regions


PM&C provides high quality, influential and timely advice to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet to advance the Government’s agenda to ensure vibrant and resilient regions.

We work across the Commonwealth to coordinate and drive evidence-based policy to boost the resilience and unlock the growth potential of regional Australia and the surrounding natural environment. We support work across government to help communities better prepare for and build resilience to future droughts and natural disasters such as floods and bushfires. We also support the Commonwealth’s leadership role in the national effort to reduce waste and increase our ability to take care of our own waste.

Key Activities

In 2020–21 to 2024, PM&C will:

  • Ensure initiatives are coordinated across governments to boost resilience and support economic growth in regional Australia.
  • Increase awareness of, and advocate for the importance of conserving and improving Australia’s soil and landscape conditions.
  • Support the National Waste Taskforce to implement the waste export ban and drive better waste and recycling outcomes.
  • Ensure policies and programs support farmers and regional communities to build resilience and better prepare for future drought and natural disasters.
Performance Measures


Policies and programs affecting regional Australia are data-driven, place-based and targeted to the needs of regional Australia.


  • Regional economies are supported to grow and diversify with effective government support.


Support the National Soils Advocate to influence government policies to improve the health of Australian soils.


  • Australia’s soil and agricultural landscape benefit the environment, improve agricultural productivity and sustainability, and support a food secure nation.


Legislation is introduced into Parliament to give effect to the waste export ban timeline.


  • Increase Australia’s ability to reduce, reuse and recycle and take care of its own waste.


Advice to Government is evidence-based, reflects short term needs, wider community impacts and long term resilience.


  • Farmers and communities have the tools they need to become more resilient and prepared for future droughts and natural disasters.