Family walking next to a road

Strengthening families and communities


PM&C supports the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and portfolio ministers by providing high-quality advice on policy development and implementation strategies that strengthen and support Australian individuals, families and communities to thrive.

We recognise that it will take time to recover from the emotional, social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 health crisis. PM&C’s support for Government will prioritise improving the lives of all Australians with a focus on responsive delivery of policy and advice.

We focus our advice on improving services, delivery and citizen engagement in the areas of education and skills, health, aged care, social services, disability, immigration, human services, child safety and the justice system. We support the Prime Minister in his work to progress the Commonwealth’s objectives in cooperation with the states and territories through National Cabinet, the National Cabinet Reform Committee and its Taskforces.

The Office for Women supports the Prime Minister and the Minister for Women deliver their gender equality priorities including reducing violence against women, promoting women’s leadership choices and targeted international work on gender equality.

PM&C works with the NIAA to improve the lives of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including ensuring that the Government’s key priorities of Closing the Gap, a voice to governments, constitutional recognition, addressing youth suicide and education outcomes are progressed.

We also support the Prime Minister through providing high-quality and timely advice on reforms in justice policy, as directed by Government priorities.

Key Activities

In 2020–21 -2024, PM&C will:

  • Coordinate the Australian health response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Ensure vulnerable Australians are supported during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Drive and coordinate the Government’s education and skills reforms to build social resilience, develop human capital and support economic recovery, including expanding micro credentials and better matching skills training to demand in current and future jobs.
  • Drive the Government’s mental health and towards zero suicide agenda.
  • Deliver key priorities for gender equality and women’s safety.
  • Improve the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • Drive the delivery of nationally significant child safety reforms including implementing key recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
  • Ensure the delivery of the Social Impact Investment (SII) Expert Panel’s final report to Government.
Performance Measures


All Australian Government agencies’ actions are coordinated and well delivered to ensure the health effects of COVID-19 in the Australian community are minimised.

The Australian health response to the COVID-19 pandemic is implemented through effective cooperation between all levels of government through National Cabinet.


  • Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is effective by international standards.
  • National Cabinet is able to make timely and effective decisions based on high quality evidence-based advice.


The Australian welfare system is targeted to assist those most adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Welfare reforms designed to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic assist the most vulnerable members of Australian society and are consistent with the JobMaker Plan.


The Government’s JobTrainer package is delivered effectively in partnership with the states and territories to help Australians upskill and reskill.

The Heads of Agreement for Skills Reform is implemented effectively to improve the Vocational Education and Training system.


  • The JobTrainer Fund is established through agreement with the states and territories.
  • Support is provided to employers to retain and employ new apprentices during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The new National Skills Agreement is developed through National Cabinet and its Committees.


The Prime Minister’s Suicide Prevention Adviser provides interim and final advice to the Prime Minister.

PM&C working with the Department of Health drives the consolidated Government response to the Productivity Commission report into mental health.

The National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention (the National Commissioner) is established through legislation and appointed.


  • The Prime Minister’s Suicide Prevention Adviser provides interim and final advice to the Prime Minister by August and December 2020 respectively.
  • A consolidated response to the Productivity Commission report into mental health includes a package of reforms to modernise the Australian mental health system.
  • Legislation establishing the position of National Commissioner and their office, passes Parliament and a National Commissioner is appointed.


All Australian Government agencies contribute to the development of the Commonwealth Closing the Gap Implementation lan.

The Government is provided with options for a voice for Indigenous Australians and constitutional recognition.


  • The Closing the Gap Implementation plan is on track for delivery by 31 July 2021 through National Cabinet.
  • The Government has been provided with options for a voice for Indigenous Australians and constitutional recognition, developed in close consultation with First Nations peoples.


Implementation of the Fourth Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022 and developing the next National Plan:

  • Participating in targeted international fora on gender equality issues, including the Commission on the Status of Women.

Drive an increase for women in leadership positions, including gender diversity on Australian Government boards.


  • The Fourth Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022 is implemented and consultation on the next national plan is commenced.
  • Australian interests on gender equality are advanced in international fora.
  • Progress is made on achieving the Government’s target of women holding 50% of Australian Government board positions overall.


The Prime Minister and Assistant Minister receive high quality and timely advice on the implementation of key child safety reforms including:

  • Delivery of the National Strategy to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse.
  • A nationally harmonised approach to child safety in organisations, based on the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
  • Ongoing implementation of the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework.


  • The National Strategy is delivered within agreed timeframes and includes an outcomes framework that will achieve genuine impact over the 10 year life of the Strategy including actions to reduce the incidences of child sexual abuse.
  • A nationally harmonised approach to child safety in organisations is agreed with the states and territories.
  • The Commonwealth Child Safe Framework is amended to include a self-reporting requirement for Commonwealth non-corporate entities.


The Final Report of the Social Impact Investing Taskforce is delivered within agreed timeframes to the satisfaction of the Prime Minister, the Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and key stakeholders.


  • Report is delivered to agreed deadlines.
  • Consultation with state and territory governments, the private, not-for-profit sectors, philanthropy, and relevant Commonwealth agencies is documented.