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Board achievementsA collegiate and collaborative BoardThe general view expressed in interviews was that the Board works well, is collegiate and collaborative, able to have honest discussions and sets a good tone across the APS.It has benefited from…
Central to our capability is our people, our IT and risk environments, and our strong focus on integrity. The ongoing development of PM&C’s capability ensures we can continue to achieve our purpose. Investments in capability also support the…
The Secretaries Board met at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) and discussed the following matters.APS Integrity TaskforceProfessor Glyn Davis AC, Secretary of PM&C, noted the substantial program of…
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters. Strategic OutlookThe Board discussed government priorities, emerging risks and strategic issues.The Board received an update…
The Australian Government has commenced consultation on regulatory settings to position Australia as a leader in digital economy regulation.
As part of this consultation, The Digital Technology…
Denial of education on the basis of motherhoodAmong states and territories, there are no grounds for suspension and expulsion on the basis of motherhood. States and territories have policies and programs to support students who are pregnant or…
Our commitment to capabilityThe ongoing development of PM&C’s capability ensures that we can continue to achieve our purpose. Investments in capability also support the department to lead by example, and uphold public sector principles and…
The purpose of the Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry (the Inquiry) is to identify lessons learned to improve Australia’s preparedness for future pandemics.ScopeThe Inquiry will review the Commonwealth Government’s response to the…
Department of Social Services (DSS) National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, DSS, Australian Government, 2022; Department of Social Services (DSS) National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022…
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters. The Voice ReferendumThe Board noted an update on the referendum to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in…
Create economic growth and jobs
We support the Government to deliver sustainable economic growth and job creation, which improves the lives of Australians and helps individuals, families and communities.
PM&C achieves this by…
A trustworthy APS is united in serving all Australians, enabling the Australian government to provide security, drive productivity and jobs in the economy, improve citizens’ experience of government, and deliver fair and equitable support where it…
Senator the Hon. Katy Gallagher Minister for Women PO Box 6100 Senate Parliament House Canberra ACT 260024 March 2023Dear MinisterRE: WOMEN’S ECONOMIC EQUALITY TASKFORCE ADVICE FOR MAY 2023 BUDGET…
The Women and Women’s Safety Ministerial Council (Council) was convened virtually today, attended by:Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher (Commonwealth)The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP (Commonwealth)The Hon Justine Elliot MP (Commonwealth)Ms Yvette Berry MLA (…
The Long-term Insights BriefingsThis is the first in an enduring series of public service-led Long-term Insights Briefings. The Long-term Insights Briefings are an initiative under Priority Two of the APS Reform Agenda: An APS that puts people and…
Critical technologies underpin our national security and drive our economic prosperity.
The Australian Government is addressing the opportunities and risks of critical technologies with the release of the new Blueprint and Action Plan,…
While there remains considerable uncertainty around the outlook, the Australian economy is well placed to navigate the economic challenges ahead. Domestically, inflation has moderated substantially from its peak in 2022, the unemployment rate…
Further information on the Aged Care Taskforce including Terms of Reference and meeting communiques can be found on the Department of Health and Aged Care website at Aged Care Taskforce.
The government recognises that gender equality is a global public good and is committed to Australia being a global leader on gender equality.The government’s objective is to deliver outcomes for all Australians by ensuring gender equality and women…
*Content warning. Information on this page may be triggering to some readers. If you need support, please call 1800 Respect National Helpline: 1800 737 732 or Lifeline (24 hours): 131 114Gender-based violence is a critical national…
The Secretaries Board met at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.Closing the GapThe Board held a strategic discussion with Ms Pat Turner AM, convenor of the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait…
Our operating environmentThis section sets out the nature of PM&C's operating environment over the 4-year period of this corporate plan. It outlines how factors and changes in the environment may affect and influence the focus of the department'…
Stop perpetrators weaponising systems“I’m trapped by the system. I have to deal with ongoing abuse via my children until they’re 18 … I am not able to escape the abuse completely because of the systems in place that support the abuser…. It’s a life…
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet contributes to a number of important measures announced in the Budget including:The Women’s Leadership Package to support women’s safety, economic security, leadership, health and wellbeing, including…
On 18 December 2023, the Final Report of the Australian Social Impact Investing Taskforce was released. The release of the report follows the Treasurer’s Investor Roundtable session on Social Impact Investing on 5 December 2023.…
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