
We encourage consistency across government and coordinate public ceremonies and national honours.

At PM&C, we work on the implementation and ongoing delivery of key government programmes, policies and initiatives. Our role is critical to government – we provide advice and guidance about the operations of Cabinet and the Federal Executive.

We advise other Australian Government agencies on many aspects of public administration. We support and establish incoming governments, advise on caretaker conventions during election periods and coordinate the government legislation program. We offer guidance on critical parliamentary information and entitlements.

We support public ceremonies and official visits by heads of state. We manage the national honours and awards program, government residences, and advise on the correct use of the Australian Coat of Arms and the Australian flags.


Official establishments

Official establishments – guidelines for use

Government administration

Acting minister arrangements: 1 October 2024 to 19 January 2025

Parliamentary information

Draft legislation program - Senate

Parliamentary information

Draft legislation program - House of Representatives