Programs and initiatives

We work across Australian Government agencies and with state and territory governments, the private and not-for-profit sectors and the community on a range of projects, policies and advice. These programs and initiatives are the department’s focus and efforts to deliver the Australian Government’s priorities.

Independent Intelligence Review

2024 Independent Intelligence Review

On 22 September 2023 the Prime Minister, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, announced the launch of the 2024 Independent Intelligence Review (the Review).

Aged Care Taskforce

Aged Care Taskforce

Further information on the Aged Care Taskforce including Terms of Reference and meeting communiques can be found on the Department of Health and Aged Care website at Aged Care Taskforce.

Care and support economy

Care and support economy

The care and support economy is one of the fastest growing parts of the Australian economy.

COVID-19 Response Inquiry

Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry

On 21 September 2023, the Prime Minister the Hon Anthony Albanese MP announced an independent inquiry into Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Independent Review of Commonwealth funding for strategic policy work

Independent Review of Commonwealth funding for strategic policy work

On 5 February 2024, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet launched the Independent Review of Commonwealth funding for strategic policy work.

Long-term Insight Briefings

Long-term Insights Briefings

The Long-term Insights Briefings are an initiative announced under the Australian Public Service (APS) Reform Agenda to strengthen policy development and planning in the APS.

Rapid Review of Prevention Approaches

Rapid Review of Prevention Approaches

On 1 May 2024, following a meeting of the National Cabinet on gender-based violence, the Commonwealth announced it would undertake a rapid review of evidence-based approaches to prevent gender-based violence.

Religious Freedom Review

Religious Freedom Review

In 2017, the then Prime Minister, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull, announced the appointment of an Expert Panel to examine whether Australian law adequately protected the human right to freedom of religion.

Review of the Members of Parliament (Staff) (MOPS) Act 1984

Review of the Members of Parliament (Staff) (MOPS) Act 1984

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet completed a Review of the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 (MoP(S) Act) to identify legislative, policy or other changes or initiatives to ensure the employment arrangements of parliamentarians and their staff are fit for purpos

Review of the Workplace Gender Equality Procurement Principles

Review of the Workplace Gender Equality Procurement Principles

The Australian Government is undertaking a review of the Workplace Gender Equality Procurement Principles (WGE Procurement Principles) associated with the

Social Impact Investing Taskforce

Social Impact Investing Taskforce

On 18 December 2023, the Final Report of the Australian Social Impact Investing Taskforce was released. The release of the report follows the Treasurer’s Investor Roundtable session on Social Impact Investing on 5 December 2023. 

Women's Economic Equality Taskforce

Women's Economic Equality Taskforce

The Women's Economic Equality Taskforce (the taskforce) was established in September 2022. It delivered on an election commitment to prioritise advice to government on the many issues facing women in the Australian economy. The taskforce has now concluded.