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The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act) commenced on 15 January 2014. The Whistleblowing provisions under the …
Who can make a public interest disclosure?A person must be a current or former ‘public official’, as defined in ss69-70 of the PID Act, to make a public…
IntroductionThe Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) provides high-quality and timely advice to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and our portfolio ministers.We are accountable for the services we provide and the conduct of our…
Public Interest Disclosure ProceduresDeclaration pursuant to s59 of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013…
The COO Committee (the Committee) met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters:Strengthening Partnerships between the Public Service and Ministers and their OfficesThe Committee…
The review of the Workplace Gender Equality Procurement Principles consultation is open until 19 September 2023. You can make a submission online or by email to: ContextThis paper has been developed to…
Recommendation 1 – Make it easier for employers to report to WGEA and improve collection and sharing of gender data
1.1 Improve the quality of data reported to WGEA, and reduce the regulatory burden for employers…
Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
Summary of WGEA Review recommendations
1. Make it easier for employers to report to WGEA and improve collection and…
In Australia, advances continue to be made on gender equality in workplaces. However, there is more to do. As of May 2023:Australia’s national gender pay gap is 13.0 per cent for full-time employees.Women’s average weekly ordinary full-time earnings…
Review of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
The Government announced in the Women’s Budget Statement 2021-22 a targeted review (the Review) of…
Intelligence, oversight, safeguards and the law
The terrorist attacks in the United States on 11 September 2001 marked the start of a decade of legislation creating new terrorism offences and conferring new powers – particularly…
Freedom of information (FOI) laws promote access to information held by agencies and ministers. PM&C provides access to our information and documents on our website. You may request access under the Freedom of Information Act…
Gender Balance on Australian Government Boards Report — guidelinesThe Australian Government has committed to a gender diversity target of women holding 50 per cent of Government board positions…
ReportsAnnual Child Safety StatementsAPS Employee CensusEmissions Reduction Plan 2024–25FOI disclosure logsFraud control and fraud reportingGifts and benefits registerIndexed file listsLegal services expenditureGrants reportingPay…
Overview of the WGEA Review Report
This report proposes ten recommendations to accelerate progress on gender equality in workplaces and streamline reporting for employers to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) must comply with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) when procuring goods and services.
The Government introduced the Government…
Gender Balance on Australian Government Boards Report — Guidelines
The Australian Government has committed to a gender diversity target of women holding 50 per cent of Government board…
Gender Balance on Australian Government Boards Report — Guidelines
The Australian Government is working towards a gender diversity target of women holding 50 per cent of Government…
Legislative requirements under the Archives ActUnder the Archives Act, the NAA is responsible for identifying, preserving and making publicly available the archival resources of the Commonwealth.Inadequate security…
Gender balance on Australia Government boards reporting guidelinesThe Australian Government remains committed to gender targets for Australian Government boards, which have been in effect since…
LegislationPart 8 of the Public Service Act 1999, through amendments that took effect in 2013, establishes the Secretaries Board and describes its membership, functions and…
Current approach
Employers report to WGEA on a small number of matters related to sex-based harassment and discrimination. This is set out in the Workplace Gender Equality (Matters in relation to Gender Equality Indicators) Instrument …
Purpose of the Secretaries BoardSection 64 of the Public Service Act 1999 establishes the Secretaries Board and sets out its functions as follows:to take responsibility for the stewardship of the APS and for…
1. Introduction1.1 The Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) has established the Audit and Risk Committee (the Committee) in accordance with section 45 of the Public Governance, Performance and…
BackgroundThe Secretaries Board (Board) is established under section 64 of the Public Service Act 1999 (Attachment A) to provide collaborative leadership to the Australian Public Service (APS).…
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