Flag announcement: The Honourable Simon Crean (1949 – 2023)

A State Funeral for the Honourable Simon Crean will be held at 11.00 am on Thursday 20 July 2023 at St Paul’s Cathedral, Flinders Street, Melbourne, Victoria.

In 1990, Mr Crean was elected the Member for Hotham in Victoria. He was later appointed Cabinet Minister in the Hawke, Keating, Rudd and Gillard governments. Mr Crean was appointed Minister for various portfolios including Science and Technology; Primary Industries and Energy; Employment, Education and Training; Trade; Social Inclusion; Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government; the Arts; and Minister Assisting the Treasurer.

Mr Crean retired from the Australian Parliament in 2013. 

The Honourable Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister, has issued a media statement on his website. 

Details regarding attendance at the service and livestreaming can be found on the Department's website. 

As a mark of mourning and respect, the Australian National Flag should be flown at half-mast all day on Thursday 20 July 2023 in the Australian Capital Territory and Victoria only from all buildings and establishments occupied by Australian Government departments and affiliated agencies. Other organisations are welcome to participate.

  • When flying the Australian National Flag with other flags, all flags in the set should be flown at half-mast. 
  • If a set of flags includes the flags of other nations, it would be appropriate to seek permission from the diplomatic representatives of that nation to half-mast their flag. 
  • An acceptable half-mast position would be when the top of the flag is a third of the distance down from the top of the flagpole. 
  • Information on flag protocol is available at https://www.pmc.gov.au/flag.

Your assistance is appreciated.

Commonwealth Flag Officer