How it is awarded
The Governor-General makes the award on the recommendation of the Minister for Defence. The Governor-General may also delegate his/her power to make immediate awards to military commanders in the field.
If the same person is awarded a further Star of Gallantry it is in the form of a gold-plated silver bar. The bar is attached to the ribbon of the original award.
Recipients are entitled to use the post-nominal SG.
The Star of Gallantry may be awarded posthumously.
Heroic courage by members of a country’s armed forces in action or under fire has long been rewarded with a decoration or award.
Australia’s highest-ranking military award is the Victoria Cross for Australia.
The Gallantry Decorations were introduced into the Australian honours system on 15 January 1991 by Letters Patent.
The Star of Gallantry ranks first in the Gallantry Decorations:
- Star of Gallantry
- Medal for Gallantry
- Commendation for Gallantry
Medal design
The Star of Gallantry is a gold-plated silver Federation Star ensigned with the Crown of Saint Edward. The front of the award displays a smaller Federation Star, which is surrounded by stylised flames. This image represents action under fire. The reverse shows a horizontal panel superimposed on a stepped background.
Medal ribbon
The Star of Gallantry is suspended from a 32 millimetre-wide ribbon by a narrow bar, which is engraved with the words 'For Gallantry'. The ribbon has a design of chevrons of light orange alternating with chevrons of deep orange angled at 60 degrees.