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*Content warning. Information on this page may be triggering to some readers. If you need support, please call 1800 Respect National Helpline: 1800 737 732 or Lifeline (24 hours): 131 114Gender-based violence is a…
Guiding recommendation: Maintain formal structures that include a wide range of community and business representatives, and leverage these in a pandemic response alongside the use of temporary structures.Every crisis response…
Guiding recommendation: Develop and regularly stress test preparedness and a national response to a pandemic that covers the broader health, economic and social response and fully harnesses capability and resources…
Under the FOI Act I request all documents held by areas of the Department of PMC outside of the National COVID19 Coordination Commission, that meet both 1) and 2):
created or sent from any of the…
Australian Government ministers and officials use various mechanisms to conduct crisis coordination, depending on the nature of the crisis. These mechanisms can rapidly bring relevant stakeholders together to ensure that the crisis…
The structure of the Australian intelligence community
The organisational structure of the Australian Intelligence Community has been based upon two principles designed to ensure its integrity, objectivity and effectiveness:
The separation…
1. All documents containing correspondence between the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission (NCCC) and the entities known as:
Origin Energy…
I am seeking access to any documents or records held by PMC relating to the declarations of conflicts of interest made by commissioners of the National COVID-19 Coordination…
Guiding recommendation: Build and maintain coordinated national public health emergency communication mechanisms to deliver timely, tailored and effective communications, utilising strong regional, local and…
Changing behaviours and attitudes leading to gender-based violenceIn addition to addressing discriminatory stereotypes, the Government adopted measures to change behaviours and attitudes leading to high rates of GBV in Australia.The Government…
Australian Government agencies maintain capabilities to operationalise their designated roles under national plans. The Australian Government also maintains a number of capabilities to support whole of Afustralian Government and…
Our operating environmentThis section sets out the nature of PM&C's operating environment over the 4-year period of this corporate plan. It outlines how factors and changes in the environment may affect and influence the focus of the department'…
Department of Social Services (DSS) National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, DSS, Australian Government, 2022; Department of Social Services (DSS) National Plan to Reduce Violence against…
Guiding recommendation: Ensure the rapid mobilisation of a national governance structure for leaders to collaborate and support a national response that reflects health, social, economic and equity…
The government recognises that gender equality is a global public good and is committed to Australia being a global leader on gender equality.The government’s objective is to deliver outcomes for all Australians by ensuring gender equality and women…
1. Contracts and instructions for Boston Consulting Group (BCG) – dated between 1 March 2020 and 20 August 2020 – from the National COVID- 19 Co-ordination Advisory Body (formerly National…
The purpose of the Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry (the Inquiry) is to identify lessons learned to improve Australia’s preparedness for future pandemics.ScopeThe Inquiry will review the…
Roundtable summariesMay 2024Economic responseFreight and logisticsHealth modellingHealth researchHigher education and VETImpacts on health servicesPandemic response logisticsJune 2024Community service providersCouncil of Small Business Organisations…
Organisations and people interviewed by the review
Australian Government
The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Hon Stephen Smith MP, Minister…
The Women and Women’s Safety Ministerial Council (Council) was convened virtually today, attended by:The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP (Commonwealth)The Hon Justine Elliot MP (Commonwealth)Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher (Commonwealth)Ms Yvette Berry MLA (…
Strengthen knowledge sharing and accountabilityThe Review recognises that prevention through systems, industries and other mechanisms also requires a consideration of wider structural levers, such as those established to provide national…
When the COVID‑19 pandemic emerged at the start of 2020, governments around the world were ill prepared to respond to the scale and duration of a crisis that had ramifications for our health systems, our economies…
Guiding recommendation: Decision‑making processes in a pandemic need to fully account for the broader health, economic and social impacts of decisions, and the changing level and nature of risk to inform escalation and de‑escalation…
The Quad Health Security PartnershipAt the 2023 Quad Leaders’ Summit, Quad Leaders decided to evolve the Quad’s former Vaccine Partnership into a more comprehensive Health Security Partnership, tackling a range of health security priorities in a…
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