Congratulations to the recipients in the Australia Day 2025 Honours List, who were announced today by the Governor-General, Her Excellency the Honourable Sam Mostyn AC.
The achievements of 732 Australians – across community service, science and research, industry, sport, the arts and more – were recognised in the Honours List, and includes:
- 457 recipients of awards in the General Division of the Order of Australia
- 25 recipients of awards in the Military Division of the Order of Australia
- 196 Meritorious awards
- 54 Distinguished and Conspicuous awards.
“To read recipient stories is to be reminded that contribution to communities across the country, underpinned by care, kindness, respect and love, is what matter most to all Australians, in every sphere of life. Recipients embody the best of us, and we are grateful to all of them,” the Governor-General said.
“This year, we mark the 50th anniversary of Australia’s honours system. We have a wonderful opportunity over the next 50 years of our honours and awards to reflect our generous, successful and modern Australian society.”
The Order of Australia and the meritorious awards recognise individuals for their outstanding service and achievement. Those recognised have made major contributions to the Australia community and to humanity at large.
“To all the remarkable 2025 Australia Day honours recipients, today we celebrate you,” the Governor-General said.
Every recipient of the Order of Australia has something in common – someone took the time to nominate them. No matter how valuable someone’s contribution is, they can’t be recognised unless they are nominated.
Don’t leave it to someone else – you can make a difference today by nominating an outstanding person you know today.
More information about the Order of Australia is available at The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.