Australians recognised for bravery decorations

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  • Australian Honours System
  • Awards

On 19 March, Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC, Governor-General, awarded 13 Australian Bravery Decorations in recognition of the courage, bravery and selflessness of 17 individuals.

An important part of our Australian Honours and Awards system, the Bravery Decorations recognise everyday Australians who selflessly put themselves in jeopardy to protect the lives or property of others.

Decorations awarded include:

  • Bravery Medal: 5 for acts of bravery in hazardous circumstances.
  • Commendation for Brave Conduct: 7 for acts of bravery which are considered worthy of recognition.
  • Group Bravery Citation: One group (5 individuals) for a collective act of bravery by a group of persons in extraordinary circumstances that are considered worthy of recognition.

We extend the deepest gratitude to all recipients of the Australian Bravery Decorations.

The full list of the recipients and their citation for bravery is available on the Governor-General’s website and recipients who have agreed to be identified can be searched through the Australian Honours database.

Anyone can nominate an individual or group for an outstanding act of bravery. To find out how to nominate, see Australian Bravery Decorations.