COVID-19 Response Inquiry roundtables commence

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  • Domestic policy
  • COVID-19 Response Inquiry
COVID-19 Response Inquiry Roundtables

This week, we begin hosting a series of more than 20 roundtables which will help us explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different industries and groups. 

Every sector and community felt the impact of COVID-19—and some are still navigating their way forward. We want to hear more about what worked well, what didn’t and how we can best prepare for a future event. 

Building on the extensive information we’ve already gathered through public submissions, interviews and previous reviews, the roundtables will allow us to test early directions and refine our thinking on various themes and lessons learned.

Summaries for each roundtable will be published on the COVID-19 Response Inquiry website. This approach balances the sensitive nature of some discussions and supporting open feedback, with sharing what we have heard with the community. 

The willingness of people to share their insights continues to astound and humble us.  And we can assure you that the contributions are coming from every corner of the country. 

As the roundtables progress, we look forward to keeping you updated about what we are hearing, and how that information will feed into the development of our final report.

Roundtable schedule

Roundtables will focus on a range of areas including:

May 2024

Aged care, health research, freight and logistics, economic response, pandemic response logistics, impacts on health services, health modelling and higher education/VET.

June 2024

Community services providers, travel and tourism, human rights and trust in government, experiences of First Nations peoples, multicultural communities, people with disability, early childhood, schools and young people, business and mental health.

For more information visit: Roundtables