Independent review into the NDIS announced

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  • Domestic policy
NDIS Review

Today, the Hon Bill Shorten MP, Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme announced a review of the NDIS to improve the wellbeing of Australians with disability and the scheme’s sustainability.

The independent review will look at the design, operations and sustainability of the NDIS. It will also look at ways to make the market and workforce more responsive, supportive and sustainable. It will work with participants, their families and carers, as well as providers and workers to put people with disability back at the centre of the NDIS.

Professor Bruce Bonyhady AM and Ms Lisa Paul AO PSM have been appointed as co-chairs of the Independent Review Panel. Other Panel members include Mr Kevin Cocks AM, Ms Judy Brewer AO, Dr Stephen King, Mr Dougie Herd and Ms Kirsten Deane OAM. A secretariat in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet will support the panel. The panel is committed to deliver a final report to Disability Reform Ministers by no later than the end of October 2023.

The review is committed to support people with disability through genuine consultation and engagement with people who have lived experience. The first opportunity to engage with Minister Shorten and the Review Panel Chairs will be at a webinar on Thursday 20 October.  

To learn more about the NDIS Review, subscribe to updates and to register for the webinar go to