Congratulations to The King's Birthday 2023 Honours List recipients who were announced today by the Governor-General, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd).
The achievements of 1,192 Australians across community service, science and research, industry, sport, the arts and more, were recognised in The King's Birthday 2023 Honours List, which includes:
- 920 recipients of awards in the General Division of the Order of Australia
- 19 recipients of awards in the Military Division of the Order of Australia
- 199 Meritorious awards
- 54 Distinguished and Conspicuous awards.
'Learning about the wide-ranging service of recipients, which spans almost every field of endeavour imaginable, is uplifting and makes me enormously optimistic for our country. Collectively they speak to who we are now and who we can be in the future,' the Governor-General said.
'Notably, for the first time since the Order of Australia was established in 1975, the majority of recipients in the General Division are women. Similarly, there is gender parity or better at the three highest levels in the Order.'
The Order of Australia is our nation's highest recognition for outstanding achievement and service. People from all backgrounds, all parts of Australia and who have contributed in all areas are honoured and celebrated through the Order.
PM&C is delighted that First Assistant Secretary, Gerard Martin PSM and Assistant Secretary, Ashley Collingburn AM DSM, have been recognised in The King's Birthday Honours List.
Mr Martin was awarded the Public Service Medal for outstanding public service in delivering advice and support to the Prime Minister and his Office, and to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
'It has been a privilege to serve a large part of my career here at PM&C. The issues we deal with are often significant and challenging. However, the opportunity to work in a critical institution of government, and alongside the people who are its greatest asset, make it worthwhile,' Mr Martin said.
Mr Collingburn was appointed a Member in the Military Division of the Order of Australia for exceptional performance of duty as Director Sensitive and Strategic Issues Management - Army, Commander 1st Brigade, and as the Global Interest Branch Head, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
'It is incredibly humbling to be recognised individually but it has made me reflect on the people and teamwork which enabled it. As leaders, we're only as good as the people around us and I've been blessed to work with exceptionally talented individuals and teams,' Mr Collingburn said.
The department congratulates Mr Martin and Mr Collingburn on these achievements.
Everyone recognised in The King's Birthday 2023 Honours List has something in common – someone took the time to nominate them. No matter how valuable someone's contribution is, they can't be recognised unless they are nominated.
Don't leave it to someone else – you can make a difference by nominating an outstanding person you know today.
More information about the Order of Australia is available at the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia website.