Today the Secretaries Board published the APS Integrity Taskforce report ‘Louder than Words: An APS Integrity Action Plan’.
Integrity is deeply important to our work in the public service. It underpins the trust of the Australian public, who rely on us to serve their interests and deliver the best outcomes for Australia.
The Secretaries Board is committed to promoting a pro-integrity culture where all staff feel confident to contribute ideas, provide frank and independent advice and report mistakes. In this spirit, Secretaries Board set up the APS Integrity Taskforce.
The Taskforce was asked to take a ‘bird’s-eye’ view of the APS integrity landscape, to identify gaps and look for opportunities to learn from and build upon the important work already progressing across the service. The work of the Taskforce complements the Integrity pillar of the government’s APS Reform agenda and the establishment of the National Anti-Corruption Commission. It is particularly pertinent in the context of the release of the Government’s Response to the Robodebt Royal Commission this week.
We encourage all staff to reflect on how integrity shapes our work for the Australian public. The ‘Integrity Good Practice Guide’ includes a range of practical examples of how you can contribute to a pro-integrity culture.
Work to implement the Taskforce’s recommendations is already underway and will ensure we have the right frameworks in place to recruit and to recognise people whose behaviour is consistent with the public service values. A revised SES Performance Leadership Framework gives equal weighting to leadership behaviours as well as outcomes. The APS Academy’s Integrity Masterclass is running regularly for SES leaders. There are also measures to focus on ensuring legality across APS practices and government policies, programs and services, reinforcing the importance of good recordkeeping, and enhanced contract management and procurement practices.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to embodying the APS Values in every aspect of your work.
Professor Glyn Davis AC
Department of the
Prime Minister and Cabinet
Dr Gordon de Brouwer PSM
Australian Public Service Commissioner