Policy up-skill: Learn the basics of impact analysis

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Policy up-skill: Learn the basics of impact analysis

The Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) has released Impact Analysis 101. Created for policy makers, this series of animations and resources answers common questions on the Australian Government’s impact analysis process.

What is impact analysis?

Each time a new policy proposal is brought forward to the Prime Minister, Cabinet, or a decision making forum, the Government expects it to be backed by solid evidence.

This evidence is established through impact analysis; an important part of best practice policy making and a Government requirement.

Impact analysis ensures decision makers have confidence that proposed policies are supported by the best analysis available, and are well-designed, well-targeted and fit-for-purpose.

The process requires an explanation of the problem a policy will address, who will be impacted and how, and why Government action is needed.

How can OBPR help?

OBPR works with departments and agencies through the impact analysis process to determine if a regulation impact statement (RIS) is required.

Agencies at any stage of the policy development cycle can access support from OBPR. However, policy makers are encouraged to contact OBPR when beginning to draft a new policy proposal or legislative instrument. The earlier in the process, the more impact analysis can add value.

Starting a new policy proposal?

Explore Impact Analysis 101 or contact OBPR to discuss how they can help.