A State Funeral for the Honourable Kevin Andrews will take place at 11.00 am on Monday 23 December 2024 at St Patrick's Cathedral, 1 Cathedral Place, Melbourne, Victoria.
In 1991, Mr Andrews was elected the Member for Menzies in Victoria. He was later appointed Cabinet Minister in the Howard and Abbott governments. Mr Andrews was appointed Minister for Ageing; Employment and Workplace Relations; Immigration and Citizenship; Social Services; Defence; and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service.
Beyond his parliamentary contributions, Mr Andrews’ dedication extended to various roles in community and academic organisations, reflecting his lifelong commitment to public service.
Family, friends, representatives of organisations and members of the public are welcome to attend the State Funeral. Members of the public will be shown to seating in order of arrival until the Cathedral reaches capacity.
Doors will open at 10.00 am. Attendees are kindly requested to be seated by 10.30 am.
Ushers will be on hand to assist with seating.
If you wish to attend, please register online.
Enquiries can be directed to the Protocol and International Visits Branch, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in Canberra on (02) 6271 6033 during business hours or email StateFuneral@pmc.gov.au.
The State Funeral Service will be livestreamed from 11.00 am.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Villa Maria Catholic Homes.
Online condolences can be made below.