A State Funeral for the Honourable Simon Crean will take place at 11.00 am on Thursday 20 July 2023 at St Paul’s Cathedral, Flinders Street, Melbourne, Victoria.
In 1990, Mr Crean was elected the Member for Hotham in Victoria. He was later appointed Cabinet Minister in the Hawke, Keating, Rudd and Gillard governments. Mr Crean was appointed Minister for various portfolios including Science and Technology; Primary Industries and Energy; Employment, Education and Training; Trade; Social Inclusion; Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government; the Arts; and Minister Assisting the Treasurer.
Mr Crean became the Leader of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party in 2001 and held this position until 2003. After his retirement from the Australian Parliament in 2013, Mr Crean continued to work for Australia’s interests as Chair of the European Australian Business Council; Chair of the Australia-Korea Business Council; Deputy Chancellor of Monash University; and member of the Advisory Board to the National Drought and North Queensland Flood Response and Recovery Agency.
Family, friends, representatives of organisations and members of the public are welcome to attend the State Funeral. Members of the public will be shown to seating in order of arrival until the Cathedral reaches capacity.
Doors will open at 9.00 am. Attendees are kindly requested to be seated by 10.00 am. Ushers will be on hand to assist with seating.
Enquiries can be directed to the Protocol and International Visits Branch, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in Canberra on (02) 6271 6033 during business hours or email statefuneral@pmc.gov.au regarding attendance.
The State Funeral Service will be livestreamed from 11.00 am.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Mental Health Foundation Australia.
Please note Masks and hand sanitiser will be available. Practice good hand, cough and sneeze hygiene. If you feel unwell, please do not attend.
Online condolences can be made below.