To translate or not to translate: Increasing participation in the Adult Migrant English Program

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  • Domestic policy
  • Behavioural economics
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The Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government (BETA) in partnership with the Department of Home Affairs has released a report on the effect of translating communication material on increasing participation in the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).

BETA tested whether sending people translated information about the program would increase participation above the current practice of providing information in English. BETA found no difference in engagement with the AMEP between the groups who received the communication material in English and those who received it in their home languages. However, people who received a translated text message were significantly more likely to click a link to find further information than those who received a text message in English.

Read more about what BETA found and its implications on the BETA website at Increasing participation in the Adult Migrant English Program.