Australian Government Response to the Independent Review of Commonwealth funding for strategic policy work


Australia is facing some of its greatest strategic challenges of the last 70 years. Departments and agencies need to engage with the strategic policy sector where practical and necessary to do so. The government acknowledges the work undertaken across the strategic policy sector to strengthen national security through high-quality research, and encourages it to promote discourse on national security policy and address the challenges of maintaining peace and prosperity in our region, as well as globally.

Independent Review of Commonwealth funding for strategic policy work

On 5 February 2024, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet launched the Independent Review of Commonwealth funding for strategic policy work (the review). Led by Mr Peter Varghese AO, the review assessed all Australian Government funding to non-government organisations for national security-related research, education and engagement activities.

Release of the report and government response for the Independent review of Commonwealth funding for strategic policy work

The Australian Government has agreed to the majority of recommendations from an independent review of Commonwealth funding for strategic policy work.

The independent review considered all Australian Government funding to non-government organisations for national security-related research, education and engagement activities. It focused on ensuring that government funding delivers value for money and that funded programs remain aligned to Australia’s national interests and strategic circumstances.

Net Zero Economy Authority commences

Australia's path to a sustainable future has reached a major milestone with the official commencement of the Net Zero Economy Authority (the Authority) on 11 December 2024. This pivotal development follows the successful passage and royal assent of its legislation, and proclamation by the Governor-General.

Coinciding with this milestone, the Australian Government has announced the Authority’s inaugural Board members.

State Funeral for the Honourable Kevin Andrews

A State Funeral for the Honourable Kevin Andrews will take place at 11.00 am on Monday 23 December 2024 at St Patrick's Cathedral, 1 Cathedral Place, Melbourne, Victoria.

In 1991, Mr Andrews was elected the Member for Menzies in Victoria. He was later appointed Cabinet Minister in the Howard and Abbott governments. Mr Andrews was appointed Minister for Ageing; Employment and Workplace Relations; Immigration and Citizenship; Social Services; Defence; and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service.

Australia at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on the Beijing+30 Review

The Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on the Beijing+30 Review (Beijing+30) was held in Bangkok, Thailand in November 2024.

Beijing+30 brought together nations from the Asia-Pacific, to review the region’s progress towards implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) – a global blueprint for advancing women’s and girls’ human rights - adopted in 1995.

Secretaries Board communique: 11 December 2024

The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.

Strategic Outlook

The Board discussed government priorities, emerging risks and strategic issues.

The Board received an update on geostrategic issues from Mr Greg Moriarty AO, Secretary of the Department of Defence, and Ms Elly Lawson, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.