Contact the relevant areas of the departments or agencies, to identify and analyse this data and determine its relevance to each policy item. Highly disaggregated data can be sensitive, and the Office for the National Data Commissioner has guidance on how to safely share data, including using five Data Sharing Principles as a risk management framework.
Data source | Description |
Working for Women: A Strategy for Gender Equality | Working for Women outlines where the Australian Government will focus its efforts over the next decade to achieve its vision – an Australia where people are safe, treated with respect, have choices and have access to resources and equal outcomes no matter their gender. |
Working for Women: Baseline Report | The report provides sources and reference points for each indicator and measure listed in the Reporting Framework of Working for Women. As a baseline, this is a point-in-time data and reference set on the status of gender equality in Australia at the time of Working for Women’s release on 7 March 2024. |
Gender Analysis Community of Practice | The community of practice provides a central online hub for APS staff with information, resources and tools relating to gender analysis and gender responsive budgeting. The platform is hosted on GovTeams. APS staff can join here or by emailling |
Gender key facts products | The Office for Women has developed key fact sheets that include gender-disaggregated data across a number of policy areas. These are a useful starting point for finding data and can be accessed by contacting |
Status of Women Report Card | The Australian Government released the second annual Status of Women Report Card on International Women’s Day 2024 (8 March 2024). It includes the most recent available data on the social and economic equality issues facing women and girls in Australia and highlights key data on gender attitudes and stereotypes, gender-based violence, unpaid and paid care, economic equality and security, health, and leadership, representation and decision making. |
Women’s Budget Statement 2024-25 | The most recent and previous Women’s Budget Statements are available on the Treasury Budget Website and provide a summary and analysis of the key initiatives relating to women and gender equality. |
Cabinet Handbook (15th edition) | Processes in the Cabinet Handbook give effect to the Government’s commitment to gender equality by elevating consideration of gender equality in policy design and decision making through gender responsive budgeting. |
Australian Government Data | Includes data on benefit and payment recipient demographics, taxation data 2020-21 and more. Searches can be conducted by department. |
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW): Research and data | Various publications including on differences including distinct health and welfare needs and concerns related to their gender and biological sex men and women. |
Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) Research | Various publications, research, as well as facts and figures relating to family, including on early childhood education and care, Child Care Subsidy and young people. |
Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) data products including the Data Explorer | Organisations report to WGEA annually on 6 gender equality indicators including gender composition of the workforce and governing bodies, equal remuneration between men and women, availability of flexible working arrangements, and prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination. |
ATO taxation statistics | Summary statistics as well as detailed data from tax returns. Individual classifications by sex include average and median income, net tax and superannuation account balance. |
Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey | A longitudinal study of Australian households that collects a broad range of information. Provides valuable insight into labour market and economic outcomes, family dynamics and gender roles. |
National Community Attitudes towards Violence Against Women Survey (NCAS) | A national population survey of Australians’ understanding of violence against women, their attitudes towards it, what influences their attitudes, and if there has been a change over time. It also gauges attitudes to gender equality and people’s preparedness to intervene when witnessing violence or disrespect towards women. |
Australia's National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) | Research and resources concerning violence against women and their children, and its impacts across Australia’s economy, community, people’s health and wellbeing. |
Data source | Description |
Gender Indicators | Provides a summary of existing sex disaggregated data in 6 domains: economic security; education; health; work and family balance; safety and justice; democracy, governance and citizenship. |
Personal Safety Survey | Collects information from men and women aged 18 years and over about the nature and extent of violence experienced since the age of 15 (Last conducted in 2016). |
Labour Force | Provides employment and unemployment numbers, hours worked, and participation and unemployment rates by sex. Employment numbers included by full-time or part-time. |
Labour Force, Detailed | Provides detailed monthly and quarterly labour force survey data by sex, but includes other characteristics such as marital status, age, location (capital city or state), country of birth, hours worked and duration of job search. These are available broken down by industry (based on Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)) and occupation (based on Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO)). |
Average Weekly Earnings | Provides average weekly earnings by characteristics such as sex, sector, industry, and state/territory. |
Employee Earnings and Hours | Provides detailed statistics on the composition and distribution of employee earnings, hours paid for and the methods used to set employees’ pay. Data disaggregation for various groups of employees including by sex, industry, occupation and pay setting method is available. |
Time Use | Measures and compares the volume of paid and unpaid work (including caregiving responsibilities) by sex and other characteristics. |
Census | Allows for cross-classification of sex with a broad range of characteristics such as children, social marital status, Indigeneity, language spoken at home, relationship in household and unpaid care and work. Important source of geographically disaggregated data. |
Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) Australia | Ranks areas according to their relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage using Census data. |