Strategic Outlook
The Board discussed government priorities, emerging risks and strategic issues.
The Board received an update on geostrategic issues from Ms Jan Adams AO PSM, Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Mr Greg Moriarty AO Secretary, Department of Defence.
The Board received an economic and budget update from Ms Jenny Wilkinson PSM, Secretary of the Department of Finance, and Dr Steven Kennedy PSM, Secretary of the Treasury.
ANAO Auditor-General
The Board welcomed the new Auditor-General, Dr Caralee McLeish, and noted the Australian National Audit Office’s work program.
Commonwealth Ombudsman discussion – Robodebt Royal Commission Legislative Reform
The Board welcomed the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Mr Iain Anderson, who provided a briefing on the implementation of amendments to the Ombudsman Act 1976 that provide the Ombudsman with enhanced information gathering powers and impose new obligations on agency heads to assist the Ombudsman. These amendments implement recommendations 21.1 and 21.2 of the Report of the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme.
Delivery of Legislation Taskforce Final Report
The Board considered options to enhance management of legislative projects across the APS.
The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Implementation Taskforce
The Board received an update on the establishment of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Implementation Taskforce, its key priorities and work underway.
Blavatnik Index of Public Administration Report 2024
The Board noted the findings of the Blavatnik Index of Public Administration Report 2024.
Other Business
The Board acknowledged the excellent work of emergency services, the Australian Defence Force and public servants at all levels of government in responding to ex-tropical Cyclone Alfred.
Next Meeting
The Secretaries Board will meet for a Strategy Session in April 2025.