
Your feedback can help us understand how well PM&C interacts with the broader community. We welcome your feedback as a way to improve how we work and engage with you.

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) provides high-quality and timely advice to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and our portfolio ministers.

We are accountable for the services we provide and the conduct of our staff. All PM&C staff must follow the Australian Public Service (APS) Code of Conduct. The code emphasises personal integrity, honesty, respect and accountability.

Your feedback can help us understand how well PM&C interacts with the broader community. We welcome your feedback as a way to improve how we work and engage with you.

Read our Complaint handling policy.

Complaints PM&C can consider

The Department is able to consider and resolve complaints that relate to:

Public Interest Disclosures

Public officials are able to submit a Public Interest Disclosure if they suspect serious wrongdoing within PM&C. Visit our Public Interest Disclosure page for more information.

Matters PM&C is unable to consider

PM&C can only consider issues that involve PM&C staff and services.

If you have a complaint about services provided by another federal, state or territory government, contact the responsible agency or Minister in the first instance.

If you are still unhappy with the outcome, contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

Provide feedback to the Prime Minister

Use the Contact your PM form to contact the Prime Minister.

Submitting an anonymous complaint

The Department accepts anonymous complaints. However, if we can’t contact you for additional information it may make it difficult to resolve your complaint.

If you wish to remain anonymous, please let us know if you want PM&C to notify you of the outcome and how we can do this.

How to lodge a complaint

Online: Use the contact form below

Corporate Division
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
PO Box 6500
Canberra ACT 2600

Emergency contacts

Contact form

To make a complaint about procurement, use our procurement complaints form.