Corporate Plan 2019-2023

PM&C's Corporate Plan for 2019–20 to 2022–23, sets out how we intend to deliver on our responsibilities, and addresses our operating environment, our people and capability, our risk management and oversight and our key activities and performance measures.

Operating environment

PM&C is shaped by our need to support the Prime Minister in his multitude of roles – as the leader of the Government, as the head of the public service, as Chair of the Cabinet and the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), and internationally as head of the Australian Government.

We recognise and promote the whole-of-government perspective that comes from our unique policy coordination role; we provide a nationwide perspective that comes from our central advising role in the COAG forum and through our understanding of what the Prime Minister needs and how he wants things done. We also bring to bear our expertise on government process itself, given the long history and understanding we have of Cabinet process and conventions, Parliamentary practice and Executive Council support.

Governance in a democracy is demanding, change is ever-present and public expectations of elected governments have never been greater. PM&C is in a privileged position which allows, and requires, us to link up complex issues in order to build our understanding and anticipate outcomes, to effectively co-ordinate across government and to support the Prime Minister in all his responsibilities.

We operate in a fast-paced environment, spanning the full range of activities – domestic and international – in which the Australian Government is engaged. In an increasingly interconnected landscape it is critical that we maintain visibility of the full context to ensure we are providing robust advice on issues that cross portfolios and jurisdictions. In our oversight of the delivery of the Government’s priorities we bring discipline and structure to ensure their implementation remains on track.

We are also at a point of change after the establishment of the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) and the associated movement of staff. PM&C’s core focus is once again on its central agency role, but we have been enhanced by the experience of our responsibility for Indigenous affairs and we will maintain strong links with those developing and implementing Indigenous policy and programs.