Corporate Plan 2019-2023

PM&C's Corporate Plan for 2019–20 to 2022–23, sets out how we intend to deliver on our responsibilities, and addresses our operating environment, our people and capability, our risk management and oversight and our key activities and performance measures.

Performance measures

Our performance assessments are designed to cover core aspects of our work and the impact on stakeholders. PM&C plans, measures and reports on performance in line with its performance framework.

The results of our performance for 2019–20 will be tabled in Parliament and published in our Annual Performance Statement (within our Annual Report for 2019–20). The Department demonstrates performance through independent and internal assessment.1

Business areas prepare operational plans to align with our priorities and purposes set out in the Corporate Plan.

The performance measures in this plan complement the performance criteria outlined in the PM&C 2019–20 Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS)2. The targets encompass 2019–20 and the forward estimates.3


  1. Assessments of performance are measured annually through stakeholder feedback, operational data, surveys, independent assessment and evaluation of case studies.
  2. The purposes in the Corporate Plan have been revised from those outlined in the PBS.
  3. The methodology for defining results against targets will be included in the Annual Performance Statement.