Open Letter to the Australian Public Service - 25 October 2021

Restrictions in states and territories are relaxing and we are emerging from lockdowns across much of the nation. This is a welcome change after a challenging 18 months.

Dear colleagues

Restrictions in states and territories are relaxing and we are emerging from lockdowns across much of the nation. This is a welcome change after a challenging 18 months.

2021 has been another critical year for the APS. Our focus has been on the nation’s recovery from the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Returning to our usual workplaces is a positive milestone and a shift towards some normality for all of us. It’s an opportunity to reconnect with colleagues and return to our team environments.

You have done an exceptional job in testing circumstances. Your efforts have ensured the delivery of critical government services and other priorities for the Australian community.

APS employees have also stepped up and responded positively to the expert health advice on vaccination. We strongly encourage everyone who can to get fully vaccinated and we thank those who have already done so, or are on the way with a first jab.

Our attention now turns to the transition back to our usual workplaces in a COVID-safe manner as restrictions are eased for workplaces.

Each of us should continue to comply with the latest state and territory public health orders to protect ourselves and our families, our colleagues, our customers and the Australian community.

While vaccination rates are increasing public health and social measures like office occupancy rates, density limits, physical distancing and strict hygiene measures will remain important. Please follow progress with these measures in the state and territory in which you live and work.

Flexible work will remain important for the APS in continuing to take individual circumstances into account, as well as supporting the transition back.

Going into 2022, the APS will need to remain focused on its critical role in implementing the Government’s post-COVID recovery plan. Thank you for your dedication, and in fulfilling our essential role in serving all Australians.

Philip Gaetjens
Department of the
Prime Minister and Cabinet

Peter Woolcott AO
Australian Public
Service Commissioner