Review of the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984

On 10 February 2022, the then Prime Minister commissioned the Review of the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 (MoP(S) Act) (the Review) to be undertaken by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

In the main, the Review concluded that the framework of the MoP(S) Act was broadly appropriate, but required some amendments to modernise it, provide greater clarity, and improve transparency. The Review makes 15 recommendations to address gaps in the MoP(S) Act framework including:

  • That the Act should be modernised to re-categorise MoP(S) employees in accordance with how they are grouped in practice, to include an objects clause and standard superannuation provisions. In accordance with modern-day expectations of transparency and accountability, the terms and conditions that apply to MoP(S) employment should be required to be made public, with the Office of Parliamentarian Staffing and Culture (OPSC) to report annually on the administration of the Act, including on staffing allocations.
  • That the OPSC, as the centralised HR support body, undertake a review of the factors affecting workloads, particularly in electorate offices, including support systems and processes, and external factors, to inform an evidence-based consideration of office and staffing resources.
  • The adoption of overarching employment principles in the Act to articulate the desired organisational culture for MoP(S) Act employment. The inclusion of parliamentarian and employee obligations, such as making recruitment decisions based on an assessment of capability against a position description.
  • That parliamentarians seek best practice advice from the OPSC prior to effecting a termination of employment and that both the employing parliamentarian and the OPSC (where there is an immediate risk) have the authority to suspend an employee from the workplace where appropriate.