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IntroductionThe HandbookThis Handbook provides an overview of current Federal Executive Council operations, in particular the preparation of documents for…
Executive SummaryThe Legislation Handbook (the handbook) provides comprehensive guidance on the requirements of the legislation process—from policy approval and drafting through to passage in the…
8.1 Tabling of and responses to reports8.1.1 Responses to outstanding parliamentary committee reports should be deferred during the caretaker period for action by the incoming government. Agencies may continue to undertake…
Although the recorded outcomes of Cabinet discussions are often referred to as Cabinet ‘decisions’, they are formally known as Cabinet minutes. As the Cabinet has no legal or statutory status, the decision‐maker from a legal perspective is normally…
Organisations and people interviewed by the review
Australian Government
The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Hon Stephen…
Key informationMinistry listsMinisterial offices, departments of state and guide to responsibilitiesInstruments of ministerial appointment and revocationActing ministerial arrangementsAdministrative Arrangements OrdersCode of Conduct for…
Signed copies of these instruments are available in the attached PDF.Thwaites, Kate LynneExecutive Council MemberI, SAM MOSTYN AC, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, pursuant to…
Ministers must ensure proposals reach the Prime Minister’s office at least 15 working days before the Cabinet meeting at which the appointment may be raised for consideration. Proposals should be submitted in advance of the time the position is to…
Key legislation
Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
Workplace Gender Equality (Matters in relation to Gender Equality Indicators) Instrument 2013 (No. 1)
Workplace Gender Equality (Minimum Standards) Instrument 2014
ABS (…
The CabinetThe Cabinet is the council of senior ministers who are empowered by the Australian Government (‘the Government’) to take binding decisions on its behalf.As a forum, the Cabinet seeks…
Meeting timetableCabinet meets in the Cabinet room at Parliament House, Canberra, in most weeks of the year. Special Cabinet meetings may be held at other times and other places, as necessary, for example in Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices in a…
Guidance on matters for collective agreementCollective agreement can be sought at a Cabinet meeting or through ministerial correspondence.As a general rule, ministers should put before their colleagues the sorts of issues on which they themselves…
Signed copies of these instruments are available in the attached PDF.Burke, Anthony StephenAPPOINTMENT OF MINISTER OF STATEI, DAVID JOHN HURLEY, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, pursuant to sections 64 and 65 of the Constitution,…
Signed copies of these instruments are available in the attached PDF.Marles, Richard DonaldAPPOINTMENT OF MINISTER OF STATEI, DAVID JOHN HURLEY, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, pursuant to sections 64 and 65 of the Constitution,…
Addressing gender segregated industries and occupationsAustralia's labour market is segregated by industry and occupation. Working for Women outlines Australia's vision to achieve less gender-segregated industries and occupations, improve gender…
Overall government results
At 30 June 2020, there were 343 Australian Government boards with 2,489 filled positions. Women filled 48.5 per cent of all board positions (1,206 positions were…
Table 1. Acronyms, abbreviations and definitionsTermMeaningArchives ActArchives Act 1983Cabinet documentAny material that departments and agencies prepare that is: intended for submission to the Cabinet; or a document dealing with Cabinet meetings (…
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIAPublic Service Act 1999Appointment of Secretary of the Department of DefenceI, General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with advice of the…
Signed copies of these instruments are available in the attached PDF.Burney, Linda JeanExecutive Council MemberI, DAVID JOHN HURLEY, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, pursuant to section 62 of the…
Signed copies of these instruments are available in the attached PDF.Chalmers, James EdwardExecutive Council MemberI, DAVID JOHN HURLEY, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, pursuant to section 62 of…
IntroductionAustralia is facing some of its greatest strategic challenges of the last 70 years. Departments and agencies need to engage with the strategic policy sector where practical and necessary to do so. The government…
Guiding recommendation: Ensure the rapid mobilisation of a national governance structure for leaders to collaborate and support a national response that reflects health, social, economic and equity priorities.The COVID‑19 pandemic…
An important function of this Framework is articulating the roles and responsibilities of Australian Government ministers and senior officials. During a significant crisis, clarity of purpose and priorities is crucial for ensuring…
The Women's Economic Equality Taskforce (the taskforce) was established in September 2022. It delivered on an election commitment to prioritise advice to government on the many issues facing women in the Australian economy. The…
Executive summary
The establishment of National Cabinet, and subsequent ceasing of COAG, has provided a unique opportunity to reconsider and reset Australia’s intergovernmental architecture. COAG was a slow, bottom-up framework…
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