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Productivity is about obtaining more, or better, outputs for the same, or fewer, hours of work. In the context of workforce shortages and increasing demand for both quantity of services and higher quality of services, productivity is important to…
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has praised Australia as a world leader in good regulatory practices.
The 2021 International Regulatory Policy Outlook report compares member countries’ efforts to improve the…
Addressing gender segregated industries and occupationsAustralia's labour market is segregated by industry and occupation. Working for Women outlines Australia's vision to achieve less gender-segregated industries and occupations, improve gender…
Established by the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Workplace Gender Equality Act), the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) manages a reporting program, in which non-public sector employers with 100 or more employees (‘relevant employers’)…
8.1 Tabling of and responses to reports8.1.1 Responses to outstanding parliamentary committee reports should be deferred during the caretaker period for action by the incoming government. Agencies may continue to undertake appropriate preparatory…
The Women and Women’s Safety Ministerial Council (the Council) was convened virtually today to bring together Commonwealth and state and territory governments to drive national progress on gender equality and gender…
The CabinetThe Cabinet is the council of senior ministers who are empowered by the Australian Government (‘the Government’) to take binding decisions on its behalf.As a forum, the Cabinet seeks through discussion and consultation to resolve disputes…
Executive summary
The establishment of National Cabinet, and subsequent ceasing of COAG, has provided a unique opportunity to reconsider and reset Australia’s intergovernmental architecture. COAG was a slow, bottom-up framework…
The inaugural meeting of the Women and Women’s Safety Ministerial Council was held today, which has now been formally established under the National Cabinet architecture.The Council, co-chaired by Minister for Women…
Feedback received from the community suggests that improving the performance of public service delivery through the use of AI offers a significant opportunity to build agency trustworthinessThe performance of public services – how well the system…
We support the development of productive relationships between state, territory and Commonwealth Governments to promote policy reforms that are of national significance.First Secretaries Group’s Review of Ministerial…
The Australian Government is committed to gender responsive budgeting and putting gender equality and impacts on women at the centre of budget decision making. The resources on this page are designed to support the Australian Public…
The structure of the Australian intelligence community
The organisational structure of the Australian Intelligence Community has been based upon two principles designed to ensure its integrity, objectivity and effectiveness:
The separation…
Key legislation
Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
Workplace Gender Equality (Matters in relation to Gender Equality Indicators) Instrument 2013 (No. 1)
Workplace Gender Equality (Minimum Standards) Instrument 2014
ABS (…
7.1 Political participation by officials7.1.1 The APS Values set out in the Public Service Act 1999 include the value of being ‘Impartial’, which states that “The APS is apolitical and provides the Government with advice that is frank, honest,…
Date: Friday 14 June 2024Host: Dr Angela Jackson, Panel Member and Robyn Kruk AO, Panel Chair, Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response InquiryParticipants: This roundtable brought together…
Deloitte Access Economics and Australians Investing in Women, ‘Breaking the Norm: Unleashing Australia’s Economic Potential’, Deloitte Access Economics, November 2022, p. vii.Hill, E., Baird, M., Vromen, A., Cooper, R., Meers, Z., Probyn, E. (2019…
Intelligence, oversight, safeguards and the law
The terrorist attacks in the United States on 11 September 2001 marked the start of a decade of legislation creating new terrorism offences and conferring new powers – particularly on ASIO and the…
Policy goal: a care and support economy that has functioning markets, sustainable funding and generates productivity gainsOur policy vision is that good quality care and support is delivered effectively and that there are sufficient providers of the…
The Office of Impact Analysis (OIA) has released a refreshed version of the Australian Government Guide to Policy Impact Analysis. Alongside a small name change (previously Australian Government Guide to Regulatory…
Changing behaviours and attitudes leading to gender-based violenceIn addition to addressing discriminatory stereotypes, the Government adopted measures to change behaviours and attitudes leading to high rates of GBV in Australia.The Government…
The Women and Women’s Safety Ministerial Council (Council) was convened virtually today, attended by:Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher (Commonwealth)The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP (Commonwealth)The Hon Justine Elliot MP (Commonwealth)Ms…
The following principles underpin each recommendation and should be at the forefront in their implementation. In our efforts to prevent domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV), Australia must:Explicitly prioritise the experiences and needs of…
The government recognises that gender equality is a global public good and is committed to Australia being a global leader on gender equality.The government’s objective is to deliver outcomes for all Australians by ensuring gender equality and women…
IntroductionAustralia is facing some of its greatest strategic challenges of the last 70 years. Departments and agencies need to engage with the strategic policy sector where practical and necessary to do so. The government acknowledges the work…
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