Acting minister arrangements: 1 April to 30 June 2023

Instruments of Authorisation that enable a Minister from another portfolio to act for a Minister who is unavailable for a period of two weeks or more are published on the Federal Register of Legislation.

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Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

MinisterDatesActing Minister
Watt6 to 16 AprilGiles
Watt24 June to 6 JulyBurke
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MinisterDatesActing Minister
Dreyfus20 to 28 MayGallagher
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Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

MinisterDatesActing Minister
Bowen6 to 10 AprilPlibersek
Plibersek25 to 30 MayBowen
Bowen7 to 9 JunePlibersek
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MinisterDatesActing Minister
Marles5 to 6 AprilO'Connor
Marles11 to 13 AprilBowen
Conroy11 to 14 AprilKeogh
Keogh21 to 26 AprilMarles
Conroy24 to 25 AprilMarles
Conroy21 to 22 MayKeogh
Marles28 to 31 MayO'Connor
Marles1 to 7 JuneO'Connor
Conroy5 to 13 JuneKeogh
O'Neil26 to 29 JuneKeogh (A/g Minister for Cyber Security) 
Giles (A/g Minister for Home Affairs)
Conroy27 to 30 JuneKeogh
Marles28 to 29 JuneO'Connor
Keogh30 June to 9 JulyO'Neil
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MinisterDatesActing Minister
Aly8 to 16 AprilClare
Clare23 to 30 AprilO'Connor
Aly16 to 18 JuneClare
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Employment and Workplace Relations

MinisterDatesActing Minister
Burke10 to 20 AprilButler (10 to 16 April) 
O’Connor (17 to 20 April)
O’Connor11 to 16 AprilClare
O’Connor10 to 16 JuneBurke
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MinisterDatesActing Minister
Farrell16 to 26 AprilRishworth
Farrell11 to 13 MayRishworth
Farrell24 to 28 MayRishworth
Farrell3 to 10 JuneRishworth
Farrell29 June to 29 JulyRishworth
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Foreign Affairs and Trade

MinisterDatesActing Minister
Conroy11 to 14 AprilKeogh
Farrell16 to 26 AprilRishworth
Wong19 to 21 AprilDreyfus
Wong22 to 30 AprilDreyfus
Conroy24 to 25 AprilMarles
Farrell11 to 13 MayRishworth
Wong15 to 19 MayDreyfus
Conroy21 to 22 MayKeogh
Farrell24 to 28 MayRishworth
Farrell3 to 10 JuneRishworth
Conroy5 to 13 JuneKeogh
Conroy27 to 30 JuneKeogh
Farrell29 June to 29 JulyRishworth
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Health and Aged Care

MinisterDatesActing Minister
Wells6 to 10 AprilButler
Wells24 June to 2 JulyButler
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Home Affairs

MinisterDatesActing Minister
Watt6 to 16 AprilGiles
Giles23 to 28 AprilO'Neil
Watt24 June to 6 JulyBurke
O'Neil26 to 29 JuneKeogh (A/g Minister for Cyber Security) 
Giles (A/g Minister for Home Affairs)
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Industry, Science and Resources

MinisterDatesActing Minister
M King4 to 6 AprilC King
M King29 June to 1 JulyC King
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Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

MinisterDatesActing Minister
M King4 to 6 AprilC King
Rowland5 to 16 AprilDreyfus
Burke10 to 20 AprilButler (10 to 16 April) 
O'Connor (17 to 20 April)
McBain14 to 18 AprilC King
C King14 to 19 MayWatt
M King29 June to 1 JulyC King
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Prime Minister and Cabinet

MinisterDatesActing Minister
Albanese8 to 14 AprilMarles (8 to 10 April) 
Wong (11 to 13 April) 
Marles (14 April)
Albanese1 to 7 MayMarles
Albanese19 to 21 MayMarles
Dreyfus20 to 28 MayGallagher
Albanese1 to 5 JuneChalmers
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Social Services

MinisterDatesActing Minister
Rishworth10 to 18 JuneClare
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MinisterDatesActing Minister
Chalmers12 to 16 AprilGallagher
Chalmers7 to 9 JuneGallagher
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Veterans’ Affairs (Defence portfolio)

MinisterDatesActing Minister
Keogh21 to 26 AprilMarles
Keogh30 June to 9 JulyO'Neil
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