Annual Child Safety Statement 2024

PM&C remains committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.

PM&C remains committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. We work to ensure departmental activities are child safe and to continuously improve our implementation of the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework (the framework). As prescribed by Requirement 4 of the Framework, this statement provides an overview of PM&C’s compliance with the framework, including the results of our annual child safety risk assessment.

Our approach to assessing our child safety risks ensures we obtain data at a divisional level, recognising our work is varied, and allowing for fit-for-purpose risk analysis, mitigation and response to occur.

PM&C has undertaken its annual risk assessment, and our child-related risks continue to be rated as ‘low’ as PM&C activities rarely involve direct interaction with children. The annual risk assessment determined that our detection and evaluation of risks to child safety is thorough, and strategies implemented to manage those risks remain appropriate and fit-for-purpose.

In the few areas of PM&C where there is a likelihood of interaction with children, either directly during the course of duties or through funded activities/events, we acknowledge there is a risk that children may be harmed. Limited contact typically occurs through direct written correspondence with children or young people, attendance at an event hosted by the department, grants provided to children or young people through third parties for programs administered by the department, or through the ‘School Leaver’ Program.

Training is available to all staff to ensure they understand their obligations and responsibilities under the Framework and relevant legislation and feel knowledgeable and supported in carrying out their roles.

PM&C has adopted and progressed implementation of the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, ensuring we consistently review our activities and identify opportunities to improve in relation to child safety and wellbeing.

PM&C will continue to take a centrally coordinated approach to ensure we maintain our compliance and we will continue to embed child safety and wellbeing in our leadership, governance and culture. We will continue to take practical action as an organisation to sustain a culture that fosters child safety and wellbeing, and this will remain an ongoing focus for PM&C.