Chief Operating Officers Committee communique: 26 June 2024

The COO Committee (the Committee) met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters:

Australian National Audit Office (ANAO): Public Sector Engagement Strategy

The ANAO presented to the Committee on their Public Sector Engagement Strategy, which aims to enhance accountability and public sector performance. The Committee noted the ANAO proposal to increase engagement with the COO community and discussed key insights from recent ANAO audits, with a focus on agency performance audits.

SES Performance Leadership Framework Implementation update

The Australian Public Service Commission updated the Committee on an action plan to support agencies with implementation of the Senior Executive Service (SES) Performance Leadership Framework.

COO Committee Collaboration Circle Pilot

The Committee noted the progress of the APS Collaboration Circle pilot and agreed recommendations for advancing Cultural Awareness Training and building Cultural Capability across the APS. These recommendations will enhance the APS's ability to promote diversity and inclusion within its workforce and operations. The Collaboration Circle pilot has trialled Chief Operating Officers and First Nations APS employees working in collaboration for joint decision making in reviewing First Nations initiatives. This new way of working received positive feedback from pilot participants and will be adopted by the COO Committee as an ongoing feature of the Committee. 

Mandatory Minimum Indigenous Participation Requirement (MMR) Compliance Reporting

The Committee noted an update on MMR reporting compliance including improvements, and areas for development such as end of contract reporting.

APS Integrity Action Plan implementation progress update

The Committee noted an update on implementation of the ‘Louder than Words: An APS Integrity Action Plan’.

APS Reform Stage 2 integrity initiatives

The Committee noted an update on the APS Reform Stage 2 integrity reform package, which forms a key part of the APS Reform agenda.

COO Resource Hub and Common Conditions Guidance Project update

The Committee noted an update on two projects - the establishment of the COO Resource Hub to facilitate the sharing of policy documents, guidance and materials between agencies and the Common Condition Guidance Project.

Commonwealth Risk Committee update

The Committee noted an update on the activities of the Commonwealth Risk Committee (CRC) outlining a variety of shared Commonwealth risks and methods of risk including agency risk culture, artificial intelligence, conflict of interest frameworks, APS reform and climate change.

Next Meetings

The next COO Committee meeting is scheduled for 28 August 2024.