Emissions Reduction Plan 2024–25

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Emissions Reduction Plan outlines the actions the department will take to reduce emissions based on the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy.

August 2024

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Acknowledgement of Country

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet acknowledges the Traditional Owners and custodians of the lands on which we work, and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

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Accountable Authority sign off

The Australian Government released the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy in November 2023, setting out the overall approach and action required by Commonwealth entities to achieve the APS Net Zero 2030 target.

The Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy represents a strong commitment by the Australian Government to lead by example on emissions reduction and contribute to the decarbonisation of Australia’s economy. 

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) is committed to the achievement of the Government’s APS Net Zero 2030 target. PM&C is following the APS Net Zero 2030 target in full, as per the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy.

This Emissions Reduction Plan describes the priorities and actions PM&C is taking to reduce our operational emissions and contribute to the APS Net Zero 2030 target.

Professor Glyn Davis AC

3 September 2024

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Emissions Reduction Plan


PM&C is responsible for managing and implementing emissions reduction initiatives set by the Australian Government’s Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy (the Strategy) developed by Department of Finance. The Strategy sets out the Australian Government’s approach to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions from its operations by 2030 and the reinstatement of public emissions reporting.

The goal of this Emissions Reduction Plan is to provide a pathway for PM&C to contribute to the achievement of the APS Net Zero 2030 target through emissions reduction activities. This plan encompasses existing and new priorities and actions within PM&C to reduce emissions.

This Emissions Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with the Strategy, associated guidance and reporting standards for annual emissions reporting.

Net zero greenhouse gas emissions

APS Net Zero 2030 is the target set by the Australian Government to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions from government operations by the year 2030. It includes scope 1 and scope 2 emissions from activities in Australia and its territories, as described in the Strategy. The APS Net Zero 2030 target applies at the aggregate level to non-corporate Commonwealth entities and generally covers the entirety of the entity’s organisation. From an organisational perspective, this means minimising the greenhouse gas emissions that are within our control. 

Governance and reporting

Progress against actions identified within this Emissions Reduction Plan, and any additional measures adopted, will be included in our annual reports. This, combined with annual emissions reporting, will be used as a measure of PM&C’s progress towards reducing its emissions.

As part of the Net Zero in Government Operations Annual Progress Report, the Department of Finance will aggregate these measures to provide Whole of Australian Government (WoAG) emissions reporting.

PM&C’s Operational context

As at 30 June 2023, PM&C had 1,279 ongoing and non-ongoing employees. The majority of staff are located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

PM&C leases office space at 2 locations in the ACT, which is predominantly commercial office space.

Baseline emissions

Baseline emissions are a record of greenhouse gases that were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. The baseline emissions from financial year 2022–23 are the reference point against which emissions reduction actions can be measured.

The baseline emissions for this plan focus on scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, consistent with the APS Net Zero 2030 target. The complete 2022–23 greenhouse gas emissions inventory tables for PM&C are presented in the PM&C Annual Report 2022-23.

Baseline Year
Financial year 2022–23
Location-based approachMarket-based approach
Scope 1 emissions (kg CO2–e)5,8025,802
Scope 2 emissions (kg CO2–e)1,412,211115,349
Total Scope 1 and 2 emissions (kg CO2–e)1,418,013121,151


In the development of this plan, PM&C has been working with:

  • The Department of Finance, Climate Action in Government Operations branch – to ensure this plan aligns with the Strategy and the Commonwealth Climate Disclosure requirements.
  • Building owners or their nominated representatives to determine any opportunities to lower base building emissions.
  • PM&C’s outsourced Property Service Provider (PSP) who deliver WoAG PSP arrangements. 

Emissions reduction targets

PM&C is following the APS Net Zero 2030 target in full, as per the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy. The target covers the entirety of our entity’s operations within Australia and its territories for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, as described in the Strategy. 

Priorities and actions

For PM&C to achieve Net Zero by 2030, targeted action on existing emissions reduction measures and the introduction of new measures is required. These actions are outlined below. 


Participate in the WoAG electricity procurement for renewable electricity being established by the Department of Finance, due to commence 1 July 2025.


PM&C will consult with the Department of Finance to ensure participation in WoAG electricity procurement as per the Strategy, and replace all electricity contracts with renewable electricity where available and permitted under leases and market conditions.


Continued assessment of PM&C’s flexible working arrangements to support greater efficiency of office space.


PM&C will review office space utilisation and flexible work arrangements to support any future requirement for additional leased tenancies.


From 1 July 2025, for any approach to market for office space to be leased for four or more years, over 1,000 square meters, PM&C will include a requirement that the relevant base building maintain a 5.5 star or higher National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) rating.


As at 30 June 2023, PM&C’s vehicle fleet included 2 commercial vans and 5 passenger vehicles, consisting of 2 non-plug-in hybrids and 3 petrol vehicles. In 2023–24, PM&C replaced one hybrid and one petrol vehicle with low emissions vehicles (LEVs), and replaced one petrol vehicle with a hybrid.

As current fleet leases expire, new fleet orders are required to be 50% LEVs by 1 July 2024 and 75% LEVs by 1 July 2025, with a preference for zero emission vehicles where possible.


Any new passenger vehicle orders to be LEVs, with a preference for zero emission vehicles, excluding private plated vehicles, where operationally viable.

Sustainable procurement

An Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy to be published by January 2025.


Incorporate sustainable procurement outcomes in procurements from 1 January 2025, in accordance with the Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy for all areas. To be expanded when the second phase of the Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy commences from 1 July 2025.

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