Secretaries Board and Strategic Leadership Group communiques: 10 May 2023

The Secretaries Board met at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.

Closing the Gap

The Board held a strategic discussion with Ms Pat Turner AM, convenor of the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community-Controlled Peak Organisations (the Coalition of Peaks), on implementation of Closing the Gap priority reforms, including in the 2023-24 Budget context.

Economic and Budget Update

Ms Jenny Wilkinson PSM, Secretary of the Department of Finance, and Dr Steven Kennedy PSM, Secretary of the Treasury, provided an update on the 2023-24 Budget and economic outlook.

APS Bargaining

Deputy Commissioner Peter Riordan PSM, Australian Public Service (APS) Commission, provided the Board with an update on progress of the Government’s APS-wide bargaining process. Initial bargaining discussions on flexible working arrangements were held in April 2023. The Commonwealth’s proposal for a common flexibility term is informed by the Principles of Flexible Work in the APS which were endorsed by the Board in April 2023.

Guidance on Optimal Management Structures

Mr Peter Woolcott AO, Australian Public Service Commissioner, provided an update on work to refresh guidance for agencies on Optimal Management Structures.

APS Reform

Dr Gordon de Brouwer PSM, Secretary for Public Sector Reform, updated the Board on proposed amendments to the Public Service Act 1999, including outcomes of consultations on Stewardship as an APS Value.

Canada-Australia Public Policy Initiative (CAPPI)

The Board received an update on the Canada-Australia Public Policy Initiative meeting to be hosted by Canada in November 2023.

Other Business

The Board thanked Mr Peter Woolcott AO, noting this was his last meeting prior to retirement from the APS, and congratulated Dr Gordon de Brouwer PSM on his recommendation for appointment as APS Commissioner from 11 May 2023.

Next Meeting

The next Secretaries Board meeting is scheduled for 14 June 2023.

Strategic Leadership Group

The Strategic Leadership Group (SLG) met at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.

APS Integrity Taskforce

The APS Integrity Taskforce provided an update on its work to date, including consultation with departments and agencies. SLG endorsed the Taskforce’s proposed directions for developing an integrity action plan for Secretaries Board consideration in September 2023.

SLG noted that priority themes are likely to include:

  • Culture, with a focus on ethical leadership and identifying, promoting and rewarding the APS behaviours needed to effectively serve the Australian community.
  • Systems, policies and frameworks, with a focus on incentivising behaviours and the ethical climate and encouraging whole-of-service approaches to integrity.
  • Accountability, with a focus on supporting APS readiness for major anti-corruption reforms and building a strategic outlook across Commonwealth integrity bodies, whilst acknowledging their independent mandates.

National Anti-Corruption Commission

Ms Katherine Jones PSM, Secretary of the Attorney-General’s Department, provided an update on establishment of the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

Next Meeting

The next Strategic Leadership Group meeting is scheduled for 9 August 2023.