Secretaries Board and Strategic Leadership Group communiques: 16 August 2023

The Secretaries Board met at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet on 16 August 2023.

The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and discussed the following matters.

Closing the Gap - Productivity Commission 3-Yearly Review Draft Report

The Board discussed the Productivity Commission’s Closing the Gap 3-Yearly Review Draft Report and agreed greater strategic leadership to support accelerated action to consistently embed the four Priority Reforms of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap throughout the APS.

APS Integrity update

Dr Gordon de Brouwer PSM, Australian Public Service Commissioner provided an update on the centralised process established to inquire into alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct by APS employees, former APS employees and Agency Heads arising from the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme.

Robodebt Royal Commission Government Response

Professor Glyn Davis AC, Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, provided an update on development of the Government’s response to the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme.

SES Performance and Leadership Framework

The Board agreed the APS Senior Executive Service (SES) Performance Leadership Framework.

Economic and Budget update

Ms Jenny Wilkinson PSM, Secretary of the Department of Finance, and Dr Steven Kennedy PSM, Secretary of the Treasury, provided an update on the Budget and economic outlook.

Australian Government Consulting (in-house consulting)

The Board received an update on the model for Australian Government Consulting (AGC) and the interest from applicants at all levels to join the new AGC team.

Publication of APS Employee Census reports

The Board agreed to greater openness and transparency in the publication of agency-level APS Employee Census reports with new reporting requirements in place from 2023.

Integrity in SES Recruitment

The Board endorsed a proposal for the APSC to expand its role in SES recruitment to support the development of an SES cohort that can provide APS-wide strategic leadership in a cohesive APS. An expanded role of the APSC will help to build confidence in the integrity of the process.

APS Remuneration Report 2022

The Board noted findings in the APS Remuneration Report 2022. The Report is available on the APSC website.

Secretaries Data and Digital Committee Performance – 1 January to 30 June 2023

The Board noted the first biannual report from the Secretaries’ Digital and Data Committee. The report highlighted progress made in the first half of 2023 and outlined the focus for the rest of the year. The Board endorsed the updated Terms of Reference for the Secretaries’ Digital and Data Committee.

Next meeting

The next Secretaries Board meeting is scheduled for 13 September 2023.

Strategic Leadership Group

The Strategic Leadership Group (SLG) met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and discussed the following matters. 

National Anti-Corruption Commission update

The Honourable Paul Brereton AM RFD SC, National Anti-Corruption Commissioner, provided an update on the work of the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

Update from Australian National Audit Office 

Mr Grant Hehir, Auditor-General for the Australian National Audit office provided an update on the cross-sector integrity insights from ANAO audits. 

Next meeting

The next Strategic Leadership Group meeting is scheduled for 8 November 2023.