Secretaries Board communique: 11 October 2023

The Secretaries Board met at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet on 11 October 2023.

The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters. 

The Voice Referendum

The Board noted an update on the referendum to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice from Ms Jody Broun, Chief Executive Officer of the National Indigenous Australians Agency.

Closing the Gap

The Board discussed the Productivity Commission’s ongoing Three-Yearly Review of Closing the Gap and approaches to accelerate work towards Closing the Gap targets.

APS Integrity Taskforce – Implementation

The Board discussed implementation of the APS Integrity Taskforce final report. The report will be made available on the Secretaries Board website following further consideration of implementation. 

Strategic Commissioning Framework

The Board discussed work to reduce reliance on contractors and consultants and the need for core APS work to be done by APS employees. The Board agreed principles to ensure direct employment is the default for core APS work and limit outsourcing to defined circumstances. APSC will publish guidance for agencies in late 2023.

APS Employment Strategy for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (CALD)

The Board discussed work underway to improve CALD representation and employment experience across the APS, and noted the proposed process for the finalisation of the APS CALD Employment Strategy, including public consultation.

Future of Work Sub-Committee: Progress Report and Terms of Reference

The Board noted the Future of Work Sub-committee’s progress report and future strategic priorities, including:

  • improving the employment experience for diversity cohorts;
  • understanding, leveraging and uplifting capability across the APS; and
  • emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence.

The Board also endorsed the Future of Work Sub-committee’s updated Terms of Reference.

Specialists in the APS

The Board considered the direction of work on specialist arrangements, operating within existing classification structures. APSC will develop guidance for agencies by the end of 2023.

Government Response to myGov User Audit

The Digital Transformation Agency and Services Australia provided an update on the development of the Government’s response to the myGov User Audit.

Economic and Budget update

Ms Jenny Wilkinson PSM, Secretary of the Department of Finance, and Dr Steven Kennedy PSM, Secretary of the Treasury, provided an update.

APS Reform – Long Term Insights Briefing Pilot

The Board endorsed the Long-term Insights Briefing pilot report for publication.

Trust in Australian public services – Annual Report and data sharing update

The Board received an update on the 2023 Annual Report of Trust in Australian public services. The Board noted the various data sharing activities to ensure greater transparency and public use.

Finance examination of Scyne Advisory

The Board received an overview of the Department of Finance’s assessment of Scyne and the outcomes.

Airline Lounge Membership

The Board agreed on the need for a consistent approach to reporting of invitation-only airline lounge memberships across the APS. The APSC will develop guidance for agencies by the end of 2023.

Next Meetings

The next Secretaries Board meeting is scheduled for 13 November 2023.