Secretaries Board communique: 13 September 2023

The Secretaries Board met at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet on 13 September 2023.

The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.

Procurement capability uplift across the APS

Ms Jenny Wilkinson PSM, Secretary of the Department of Finance provided an update on work to improve outcomes under the Commonwealth Procurement Framework and the progress of uplift initiatives.

APS Integrity Taskforce – Draft Final Report

The Board discussed and endorsed in-principle the final draft report of the APS Integrity Taskforce. The Taskforce presented recommendations and associated action items under the pillars of culture, systems and accountability. The Board will consider implementation of the report in coordination with other integrity initiatives.

Robodebt Royal Commission Government Response

The Board received an update on development of the Government’s response to the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme.

Automated decision-making

The Board discussed the work of the cross-agency taskforce on Artificial Intelligence in Government.

Central Australia Response

The Board received an update on the implementation of the Central Australia Plan and noted the work underway to support community safety in Alice Springs in the 2023-24 summer months, and engagement with the Central Australia Plan Aboriginal Leadership Group to guide implementation of measures and the identification of priorities for remaining funding.

Specialists Arrangements in the APS

The Board discussed approaches for specialist arrangements in the APS, noting the APS Hierarchy and Classification Review highlighted the need to better recognise specialists for the value of their work and to more clearly articulate specialist career pathways, and agreed to discuss the matter further at its next meeting.

SES Recruitment

The Board agreed a phased approach to increase talent and capability by attracting and retaining senior executives who currently work outside the public sector. Initially this would occur through a talent register. This would be followed by a two-way secondment pilot with other government, private, academic, and community sector organisations. A third effort, would explore how the APS can better attract external talent for longer-term senior executive opportunities in the APS.

APS Reform

The Board discussed the progress to date of APS Reform, and considered initiatives that may be included in a second phase of reform.

Stewardship as an APS Value

The Board received an update on work to establish a framework to operationalise Stewardship as a new APS Value in the Public Service Act 1999.

Review of Public Sector Board Appointments

The Board received an update on the Review of Public Sector Board Appointments Processes.

Long-Term Insights Briefing

The Board discussed the draft pilot Long-term Insights Briefing on ‘How artificial intelligence might affect the trustworthiness of public service delivery’ and agreed to a second pilot to commence in late 2023.

National Coordination Mechanism

The Board noted presentations from Brendan Moon AM, Coordinator-General, National Emergency Management Agency on the National Coordination Mechanism and Seasonal Outlook.

Economic and Budget update

Ms Jenny Wilkinson PSM, Secretary of the Department of Finance, provided an update on Budget processes.

Protective Security Framework

The Board noted the creation of a Protective Security Board at the agency head level and the initial priority work program of the Protective Security Board.

COO Committee Update

The Board noted an update from the Chair of the Chief Operating Officers Committee on the Committee’s achievements and strategic priorities for the next six months.

Next Meetings

The next Secretaries Board meeting is scheduled for 11 October 2023.