Terms of Reference: Review into integration, employment and settlement outcomes for refugees and humanitarian entrants

The review will provide advice to the Government on how to better support refugees and humanitarian entrants to make valuable contributions to our social fabric and our economy.


Refugees and humanitarian entrants have always played an important role in enriching the Australian community and building our strong economy. The review will provide advice to the Government on how to better support refugees and humanitarian entrants to make valuable contributions to our social fabric and our economy. The review will recommend ways to improve integration, employment and settlement outcomes.

The review panel will report to Government by February 2019.

Terms of Reference

  1. The review should undertake research allowing for the recommendation of policy options for improving the integration, employment and settlement outcomes of refugees and humanitarian entrants.
  2. The review should investigate employment outcomes in refugee and humanitarian cohorts, and the ways in which positive outcomes benefit individuals, communities and strengthen the economy.
  3. The review should seek out best practice case studies of how Australians can work together to encourage integration of refugees and humanitarian entrants in the wider community, including identifying significant barriers to success.
  4. The review should consider the literature on settlement outcomes for refugees and humanitarian entrants, and identify key areas influencing positive settlement outcomes.
  5. The review should consider how integration, employment and settlement outcomes vary by region.
  6. The review may have regard to any previous or ongoing reviews, inquiries, recent policy measures undertaken or academic literature that it considers relevant.
  7. The review may also invite submissions and seek information from any persons or bodies that it considers relevant.