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The Quad is expanding cyber security cooperation and strengthening cyber resilience and critical infrastructure protection in the Indo-Pacific.On 30-31 January 2023, Quad Senior Cyber…
In accordance with its broad Terms of Reference, the Review
Looked back to assess the intelligence agencies’ performance as they have grown rapidly to meet the expanding security challenges of the 9/11 decade
Looked forward…
The Secretaries Board met at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.APS ReformSenator the Hon Katy Gallagher, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women and Minister for the Public Service addressed the Board to discuss APS Reform. Minister…
The structure of the Australian intelligence community
The organisational structure of the Australian Intelligence Community has been based upon two principles designed to ensure its integrity, objectivity and effectiveness:
The separation…
Where a hazard is not identified, PM&C will work with NEMA and other relevant Australian Government agencies to identify an appropriate Australian Government Coordinating Agency, depending on where the impacts and consequences of the hazard…
The Quad partners recognize the security risks posed by lack of adequate controls to prevent tampering with the software supply chain by adversarial and non-adversarial threats. By leveraging the voice of the Quad, we can promote…
The Quad Cyber Challenge took place from 10-14 April 2023. The Challenge raised public awareness and encouraged good cyber hygiene practices across Quad countries and the wider Indo-Pacific.The joint efforts of Quad…
Correspondence, briefings or other documentation, dated 2017, commenting on or assessing the risk of cyber attacks from North Korea sent from the Office of the Cyber Security Adviser to the Minister…
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.Workplace RelationsThe Australian Public Service Commissioner, Mr Peter Woolcott, updated the Board on the 6 October release of the…
The Governor-General, His Excellency the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), has accepted the advice of the Government to transfer the following functions between departments, which include amendments to the Administrative…
The Review examined the community of six government agencies whose primary mission is to provide the government with intelligence. In this Chapter we provide a brief introduction to each agency.
Australian Secret Intelligence Service
ASIS was…
The practical work of the Quad is taken forward through six Leader-level Working Groups:ClimateCritical and Emerging TechnologyCyberHealth SecurityInfrastructureSpace
National security is about protecting our territory and institutions and ensuring the safety of all Australians.PM&C helps the Prime Minister and the Australian Government to make decisions on national security…
IntroductionThank you, Professor Medcalf for your invitation and for the close association between yourself, the College and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.Let me acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of these…
Intelligence, oversight, safeguards and the law
The terrorist attacks in the United States on 11 September 2001 marked the start of a decade of legislation creating new terrorism offences and conferring new powers – particularly on ASIO and the…
Australian Government ministers and officials use various mechanisms to conduct crisis coordination, depending on the nature of the crisis. These mechanisms can rapidly bring relevant stakeholders together to ensure that the crisis response is…
Our commitment to capabilityThe ongoing development of PM&C’s capability ensures that we can continue to achieve our purpose. Investments in capability also support the department to lead by example, and uphold public sector principles and…
TermDefinitionADFAustralian Defence ForceAEMOAustralian Energy Market OperatorAGDRPAustralian Government Disaster Recovery PaymentAHPCAustralian Health Protection CommitteeAIDRAustralian Institute for Disaster ResilienceANZCTCAustralia-New Zealand…
The Quad is a diplomatic partnership of four countries, Australia, India, Japan and the United States, committed to supporting an open, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific that is inclusive and resilient.The Quad’s origins date back to our first…
Create economic growth and jobs
We support the Government to deliver sustainable economic growth and job creation, which improves the lives of Australians and helps individuals, families and communities.
PM&C achieves this by…
Central to our capability is our people, our IT and risk environments, and our strong focus on integrity. The ongoing development of PM&C’s capability ensures we can continue to achieve our purpose. Investments in capability also support the…
Summary of the Open RAN Security ReportThe recent release of the “Open RAN Security Report” concludes that the use of Open Radio Access Networks (Open RAN) does not fundamentally alter the security…
Keeping Australians safe and our economy prosperous are key priorities for the government. As the Prime Minister has said, peace, prosperity and stability can never be taken for granted. Australia is therefore investing in strong and productive…
Each box represents a portfolio. As a general rule, there is one department in each portfolio. However, there can be two departments in one portfolio.Cabinet Ministers are shown in bold type. Assistant Ministers in italics are…
Each box represents a portfolio. As a general rule, there is one department in each portfolio. However, there can be two departments in one portfolio.Cabinet Ministers are shown in bold type. Assistant Ministers in italics are…
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